input_dir = "Data/"
layers = list("L1"=c("Reln","Lhx5"), "L2/3"=c("Satb2","Cux1"), "L4"=c("Rorb","Sox5") , "L5/6"=c("Bcl11b","Fezf2") , "Prog"=c("Vim","Hes1"))
objE17 = readRDS(file = "Data/E17_cortex_cl2.cotan.RDS") =,
n.genes.for.marker = 25, primary.markers = unlist(layers))
[1] "calculating gene coexpression space: output tanh of reduced coex matrix"
L11 L12 L2/31 L2/32 L41 L42 L5/61 L5/62 Prog1 Prog2
"Reln" "Lhx5" "Satb2" "Cux1" "Rorb" "Sox5" "Bcl11b" "Fezf2" "Vim" "Hes1"
[1] "Get p-values on a set of genes on columns genome wide on rows"
[1] "Using function S"
[1] "function to generate S "
[1] "Secondary markers:181"
[1] "function to generate S "
[1] "Columns (V set) number: 181 Rows (U set) number: 1236" =
coex.pca.genes <- prcomp(t(,
center = TRUE,
scale. = F)
fviz_eig(coex.pca.genes, addlabels=TRUE,ncp = 10)
controls =list("genes related to L5/6"=c("Foxp2","Tbr1"), "genes related to L2/3"=c("Mef2c"), "genes related to Prog"=c("Nes","Sox2") , "genes related to L1"=c() , "genes related to L4"=c())
# clustering usign Ward method
hc.norm = hclust(dist(, method = "ward.D2")
# and cut the tree into 5 clusters (for example)
cut = cutree(hc.norm, k = 7, order_clusters_as_data = F)
# It crates the tree
dend <- as.dendrogram(hc.norm)
# I can use a dataframe from the pca to store some data regarding the clustering
pca_1 =$rotation[,1:5])
pca_1 = pca_1[order.dendrogram(dend),]
mycolours <- c("genes related to L5/6" = "#3C5488FF","genes related to L2/3"="#F39B7FFF","genes related to Prog"="#4DBBD5FF","genes related to L1"="#E64B35FF","genes related to L4" = "#91D1C2FF", "not marked"="#B09C85FF")
# save the cluster number into the dataframe
pca_1$hclust = cut
dend =branches_color(dend,k=7,col=c("#4DBBD5FF","#91D1C2FF","#F39B7FFF","#E64B35FF","#3C5488FF","#91D1C2FF","#B09C85FF" ),groupLabels = T)
#dend =color_labels(dend,k=5,labels = rownames(pca_1),col=pca_1$colors)
dend %>%
set("labels", ifelse(labels(dend) %in% rownames(pca_1)[rownames(pca_1) %in% c(unlist(layers),unlist(controls))], labels(dend), "")) %>%
set("branches_k_color", value = c("gray80","#4DBBD5FF","#91D1C2FF" ,"gray80","#F39B7FFF","#E64B35FF","#3C5488FF"), k = 7) %>%
plot(horiz=F, axes=T,ylim = c(0,100))
Markers_Loo = read.csv("Data/Markers_Loo.csv")
genes_detected = pca_1[rownames(pca_1) %in% unlist(Markers_Loo)[!unlist(Markers_Loo) == ""],]
Gene present in the 10% of most differentially expressed genes by COTAN
[1] 33
of total genes detected as markers by Loo et al
[1] 48
Number of genes detected:
[1] 43
Removed becouse not detected
pure.markers = unlist(Markers_Loo)
pure.markers = pure.markers[!unlist(Markers_Loo) == ""]
pure.markers[!pure.markers %in% rownames(objE17@coex)]
"Gdf5" "Cdc25c" "Gas2l3" "Rspo1" "Wnt8b"
Markers_Loo = as.list(Markers_Loo)
for (i in names(Markers_Loo)) {
Markers_Loo[[i]] = Markers_Loo[[i]][! Markers_Loo[[i]] == ""]
[1] "Ebf3" "Gdf5" "Lhx1" "Lhx5" "Ndnf" "Reln" "Samd3" "Trp73"
[1] "Satb2" "3110047P20Rik" "9130024F11Rik" "Dok5" "Inhba" "Pou3f1"
[1] "Bcl11b" "Crym" "Fezf2" "Hs3st4" "Mc4r" "Nfe2l3" "Nxph3" "Plxna4" "Rwdd3" "Sla" "Sybu" "Tbr1"
[1] "Aldoc" "Arhgef39" "Aspm" "Cdc25c" "Cdkn3" "Cyr61" "Dkk3" "Ednrb" "Gas1"
[10] "Gas2l3" "Hes1" "Hes5" "Htra1" "Nde1" "Nek2" "Pax6" "Pkmyt1" "Plk1"
[19] "Rspo1" "Tcf19" "Tk1" "Wnt8b"
Primary markers also used by Loo et al.
L11 L12 L2/31 L5/61 L5/62 Prog2
"Reln" "Lhx5" "Satb2" "Bcl11b" "Fezf2" "Hes1"
tableMarkersCOTAN = = 6,ncol = 4))
rownames(tableMarkersCOTAN)=c("COTAN.L.I","COTAN.L.II.III","COTAN.L.IV","COTAN.L.V.VI","COTAN.PROG","COTAN.Not Grouped")
tableMarkersCOTAN_no_sec = tableMarkersCOTAN
layers.cluster = c("Reln","Satb2","Rorb","Bcl11b","Vim")
names(layers.cluster) = unique(cut[unlist(layers)])
3 6 2 5 1
"Reln" "Satb2" "Rorb" "Bcl11b" "Vim"
groups = list("L.I"=names(which(layers.cluster == "Reln"))
,"L.II.III"=names(which(layers.cluster == "Satb2")),
"L.IV"=names(which(layers.cluster == "Rorb")),
"L.V.VI"=names(which(layers.cluster == "Bcl11b")),
"PROG"=names(which(layers.cluster == "Vim")))
for(layer1 in c("L.I","L.II.III", "L.IV","L.V.VI","PROG")){
for(layer2 in c("L.I","L.II.IV","L.V.VI","PROG")){
tableMarkersCOTAN[paste0("COTAN.",layer1),paste0("Loo.",layer2)] =
sum(rownames(pca_1[pca_1$hclust %in% groups[[layer1]],]) %in% Markers_Loo[[layer2]])
tableMarkersCOTAN[paste0("COTAN.","Not Grouped"),paste0("Loo.",layer2)] =
sum(rownames(pca_1[!pca_1$hclust %in% unlist(groups),]) %in% Markers_Loo[[layer2]])
Without secondary markers
pca_2 = pca_1[! rownames(pca_1) %in% colnames(,]
for(layer1 in c("L.I","L.II.III", "L.IV","L.V.VI","PROG")){
for(layer2 in c("L.I","L.II.IV","L.V.VI","PROG")){
tableMarkersCOTAN_no_sec[paste0("COTAN.",layer1),paste0("Loo.",layer2)] =
sum(rownames(pca_2[pca_2$hclust %in% groups[[layer1]],]) %in% Markers_Loo[[layer2]])
tableMarkersCOTAN_no_sec[paste0("COTAN.","Not Grouped"),paste0("Loo.",layer2)] =
sum(rownames(pca_2[!pca_2$hclust %in% unlist(groups),]) %in% Markers_Loo[[layer2]])
specific.genes.table = data.frame("genes"=c(), "COTAN"=c(),"Loo."=c())
tt1 = c()
tt2 = c()
for(layer1 in c("L.I","L.II.III", "L.IV","L.V.VI","PROG")){
for(layer2 in c("L.I","L.II.IV","L.V.VI","PROG")){
tt1 = data.frame("genes"= rownames(pca_1[pca_1$hclust %in% groups[[layer1]],])[rownames(pca_1[pca_1$hclust
%in% groups[[layer1]],]) %in% Markers_Loo[[layer2]]])
if (dim(tt1)[1] > 0) {
tt1 = cbind(tt1, "COTAN"=layer1, "Loo."=layer2)
tt2 = data.frame("genes"=
rownames(pca_1[!pca_1$hclust %in% unlist(groups),])[rownames(pca_1[!pca_1$hclust %in% unlist(groups),]) %in% Markers_Loo[[layer2]]])
if (dim(tt2)[1] > 0) {
tt2 = cbind(tt2, "COTAN"= "Not Grouped", "Loo."=layer2)
specific.genes.table = rbind(specific.genes.table,tt1,tt2)
specific.genes.table[!(duplicated(specific.genes.table)) , ]
dend %>%
set("labels", ifelse(labels(dend) %in% rownames(pca_1)[rownames(pca_1) %in% specific.genes.table$genes], labels(dend), "")) %>%
set("branches_k_color", value = c("gray80","#4DBBD5FF","#91D1C2FF" ,"gray80","#F39B7FFF","#E64B35FF","#3C5488FF"), k = 7) %>%
plot(horiz=T, axes=T,xlim = c(0,80),cex = 10, dLeaf = -7)
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
data_dir = "Data/"
myheatcol = colorpanel(250,'red',"orange",'lemonchiffon')
This seems the best option for the analysis with WGCNA.
data =,"E175_only_cortical_cells.txt.gz", sep = "/"),sep = "\t"))
data =
rownames(data) = data$V1
data = data[,2:ncol(data)]
Feature names cannot have underscores ('_'), replacing with dashes ('-')
E17[[""]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(E17, pattern = "^mt-")
VlnPlot(E17, features = c("nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA", ""), ncol = 3)
plot1 <- FeatureScatter(E17, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "")
plot2 <- FeatureScatter(E17, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "nFeature_RNA")
plot1 + plot2
Performing log-normalization
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
Calculating gene variances
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
Calculating feature variances of standardized and clipped values
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
# Identify the 10 most highly variable genes
top10 <- head(VariableFeatures(E17), 10)
# plot variable features with and without labels
plot1 <- VariableFeaturePlot(E17)
plot2 <- LabelPoints(plot = plot1, points = top10, repel = TRUE)
When using repel, set xnudge and ynudge to 0 for optimal results
Centering and scaling data matrix
| | 0%
|======== | 8%
|================ | 15%
|======================== | 23%
|=============================== | 31%
|======================================= | 38%
|=============================================== | 46%
|======================================================= | 54%
|=============================================================== | 62%
|======================================================================= | 69%
|============================================================================== | 77%
|====================================================================================== | 85%
|============================================================================================== | 92%
|======================================================================================================| 100%
PC_ 1
Positive: Fabp7, Aldoc, Mfge8, Dbi, Ednrb, Vim, Slc1a3, Mt3, Apoe, Ttyh1
Tnc, Sox2, Atp1a2, Ddah1, Hes5, Sparc, Mlc1, Ppap2b, Rgcc, Bcan
Ndrg2, Qk, Lxn, Id3, Phgdh, Slc9a3r1, Nr2e1, Aldh1l1, Gpx8, Mt1
Negative: Tubb3, Stmn2, Neurod6, Stmn4, Map1b, Stmn1, Myt1l, Mef2c, Thra, 4930506M07Rik
Bcl11a, Gap43, Bhlhe22, Syt4, Cntn2, Nell2, Hs6st2, 9130024F11Rik, Olfm1, Satb2
Akap9, Ptprd, Rbfox1, Clmp, Ina, Enc1, Camk2b, Dync1i1, Dab1, Atp2b1
PC_ 2
Positive: Sstr2, Mdk, Meis2, Pou3f2, Eomes, Zbtb20, Unc5d, Sema3c, Fos, Tead2
Palmd, Mfap4, Nhlh1, Ulk4, H1f0, Uaca, Neurog2, Neurod1, Ezr, Ier2
Nrn1, Baz2b, Pdzrn3, Btg2, Egr1, Mfap2, Loxl1, H2afv, Hbp1, Nnat
Negative: Gap43, Sybu, Dync1i1, Meg3, Mef2c, Map1b, Fezf2, Camk2b, Ina, Stmn2
Cdh13, Thra, Nin, Rac3, Igfbp3, Ssbp2, Neto2, Cd200, Hmgcs1, Tuba1b
Syt1, Slc6a15, Mapre2, Plk2, Rprm, Atp1b1, Cadm2, Arpp21, Kitl, Ntrk2
PC_ 3
Positive: Meg3, Smpdl3a, Slc9a3r1, Slc15a2, Timp3, Tmem47, Ndrg2, Apoe, Ttyh1, Fmo1
Mlc1, Scrg1, Islr2, Malat1, Gstm1, Gja1, Ndnf, Aldh1l1, Mt3, Sparc
Serpinh1, Paqr7, Asrgl1, Sepp1, S100a1, Atp1b1, Ctsl, Cpe, S100a16, Lhx5
Negative: Birc5, Top2a, Cenpm, Pbk, Tpx2, Cenpe, Mki67, Cdca8, Gmnn, Cks2
Ccnb1, Ccnb2, Spc24, Hmgb2, Cenpf, Tk1, Hmmr, Prc1, Kif11, Ccna2
2810417H13Rik, C330027C09Rik, Cdca2, Ect2, Nusap1, Cenpa, Uhrf1, Plk1, Spc25, Knstrn
PC_ 4
Positive: Lhx5, Nhlh2, Snhg11, Reln, 1500016L03Rik, Trp73, Cacna2d2, Ndnf, Car10, Lhx1
Islr2, Pcp4, Meg3, RP24-351J24.2, Rcan2, Pnoc, Mab21l1, Zic1, E330013P04Rik, Emx2
Malat1, Ebf3, Nr2f2, Zcchc12, Zbtb20, Celf4, Tmem163, Ache, Calb2, Unc5b
Negative: Ptn, Satb2, 9130024F11Rik, Neurod6, Mef2c, Dab1, Limch1, Hs6st2, Abracl, Dok5
Gucy1a3, Nell2, Ptprz1, Syt4, Ttc28, Clmp, Macrod2, Fam19a2, Smpdl3a, Ndrg1
Gstm1, 4930506M07Rik, Paqr7, Aldh1l1, Myt1l, Hmgcs1, Slc15a2, Pdzrn4, Slc9a3r1, Aldoc
PC_ 5
Positive: Fam210b, Sfrp1, Pax6, Enkur, Tubb3, Tuba1b, Mcm3, Veph1, Stmn1, Eif1b
Map1b, Hopx, Abracl, Cdk2ap2, Tfap2c, Rps27l, 2810025M15Rik, Slc14a2, Prdx1, Hells
Gap43, Sept11, Egln3, Gm1840, Ezr, Cpne2, 9130024F11Rik, Nes, Efnb2, Cux1
Negative: Serpine2, Id1, Olig1, Sparcl1, Igfbp3, Fam212b, Ccnb2, Ppic, Gng12, Ccnb1
Bcan, Cenpe, Pbk, Id3, Rasl11a, Plk1, Aqp4, Aspm, Hmmr, Slc6a1
Slc4a4, Malat1, Myo6, Timp3, Meg3, Cdk1, Prrx1, Npy, B2m, Cspg4
Centering and scaling data matrix
| | 0%
|======== | 8%
|================ | 15%
|======================== | 23%
|=============================== | 31%
|======================================= | 38%
|=============================================== | 46%
|======================================================= | 54%
|=============================================================== | 62%
|======================================================================= | 69%
|============================================================================== | 77%
|====================================================================================== | 85%
|============================================================================================== | 92%
|======================================================================================================| 100%
datExpr0 = t([rownames( %in% Var.genes,])
gsg = goodSamplesGenes(datExpr0, verbose = 3)
Flagging genes and samples with too many missing values...
..step 1
[1] TRUE
if (!gsg$allOK){
# Optionally, print the gene and sample names that were removed:
if (sum(!gsg$goodGenes)>0)
printFlush(paste("Removing genes:", paste(names(datExpr0)[!gsg$goodGenes], collapse = ", ")));
if (sum(!gsg$goodSamples)>0)
printFlush(paste("Removing samples:", paste(rownames(datExpr0)[!gsg$goodSamples], collapse = ", ")));
# Remove the offending genes and samples from the data:
datExpr0 = datExpr0[gsg$goodSamples, gsg$goodGenes]
sampleTree = hclust(dist(datExpr0), method = "average");
# Plot the sample tree: Open a graphic output window of size 12 by 9 inches
# The user should change the dimensions if the window is too large or too small.
par(cex = 0.6);
par(mar = c(0,4,2,0))
plot(sampleTree, main = "Sample clustering to detect outliers", sub="", xlab="", cex.lab = 1.5,
cex.axis = 1.5, cex.main = 2)
No outliner detected
# Automatic network construction and module detection
# Choose a set of soft-thresholding powers
powers = c(c(1:10), seq(from = 10, to=25, by=2))
# Call the network topology analysis function
sft = pickSoftThreshold(datExpr0, powerVector = powers, verbose = 5)
pickSoftThreshold: will use block size 2000.
pickSoftThreshold: calculating connectivity for given powers...
..working on genes 1 through 2000 of 2000
Plot the results:
sizeGrWindow(9, 5)
par(mfrow = c(1,2));
cex1 = 0.9;
# Scale-free topology fit index as a function of the soft-thresholding power
plot(sft$fitIndices[,1], -sign(sft$fitIndices[,3])*sft$fitIndices[,2],
xlab="Soft Threshold (power)",ylab="Scale Free Topology Model Fit,signed R^2",type="n",
main = paste("Scale independence"));
text(sft$fitIndices[,1], -sign(sft$fitIndices[,3])*sft$fitIndices[,2],
# this line corresponds to using an R^2 cut-off of h
# Mean connectivity as a function of the soft-thresholding power
plot(sft$fitIndices[,1], sft$fitIndices[,5],
xlab="Soft Threshold (power)",ylab="Mean Connectivity", type="n",
main = paste("Mean connectivity"))
Tested with 5, 3 and 2 and 4. The best seems 2
net = blockwiseModules(datExpr0, power = 2, maxBlockSize = 20000,
TOMType = "signed", minModuleSize = 30,
reassignThreshold = 0, mergeCutHeight = 0.25,
numericLabels = TRUE, pamRespectsDendro = FALSE,
saveTOMs = TRUE,
saveTOMFileBase = "E17.5",
verbose = 3)
Calculating module eigengenes block-wise from all genes
Flagging genes and samples with too many missing values...
..step 1
..Working on block 1 .
TOM calculation: adjacency..
..will not use multithreading.
Fraction of slow calculations: 0.000000
..matrix multiplication (system BLAS)..
..saving TOM for block 1 into file E17.5-block.1.RData
....detecting modules..
....calculating module eigengenes..
....checking kME in modules..
..removing 552 genes from module 1 because their KME is too low.
..removing 154 genes from module 2 because their KME is too low.
..removing 86 genes from module 3 because their KME is too low.
..removing 42 genes from module 4 because their KME is too low.
..removing 20 genes from module 5 because their KME is too low.
..merging modules that are too close..
mergeCloseModules: Merging modules whose distance is less than 0.25
Calculating new MEs...
# open a graphics window
sizeGrWindow(12, 9)
# Convert labels to colors for plotting
mergedColors = labels2colors(net$colors)
# Plot the dendrogram and the module colors underneath
plotDendroAndColors(net$dendrograms[[1]], mergedColors[net$blockGenes[[1]]],
"Module colors",
dendroLabels = FALSE, hang = 0.03,
addGuide = TRUE, guideHang = 0.05)
plotNetworkHeatmap(datExpr0, plotGenes = unlist(Markers_Loo),
networkType="signed", useTOM=TRUE,
power=2, main="D. TOM in an signed network")
Warning: Not all gene names were recognized. Only the following genes were recognized.
Ebf3, Lhx1, Lhx5, Ndnf, Reln, Samd3, Trp73, Satb2, 9130024F11Rik, Dok5, Inhba, Bcl11b, Crym, Fezf2, Hs3st4, Nfe2l3, Nxph3, Rwdd3, Sla, Sybu, Aldoc, Arhgef39, Aspm, Cdc25c, Cyr61, Ednrb, Gas1, Hes1, Hes5, Htra1, Nek2, Pax6, Plk1, Tcf19, Tk1
..matrix multiplication (system BLAS)..
There were 15 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
Warning: Not all gene names were recognized. Only the following genes were recognized.
Ebf3, Lhx1, Lhx5, Ndnf, Reln, Samd3, Trp73, Satb2, 9130024F11Rik, Dok5, Inhba, Bcl11b, Crym, Fezf2, Hs3st4, Nfe2l3, Nxph3, Rwdd3, Sla, Sybu, Aldoc, Arhgef39, Aspm, Cdc25c, Cyr61, Ednrb, Gas1, Hes1, Hes5, Htra1, Nek2, Pax6, Plk1, Tcf19, Tk1
..matrix multiplication (system BLAS)..
plotNetworkHeatmap(datExpr0, plotGenes = unique(unlist(layers)),
networkType="signed", useTOM=TRUE,
power=2, main="D. TOM in an signed network")
..matrix multiplication (system BLAS)..
plotNetworkHeatmap(datExpr0, plotGenes = unique(unlist(layers)),
networkType="unsigned", useTOM=TRUE,
power=2, main="D. TOM in an unsigned network")
..matrix multiplication (system BLAS)..
# Calculate topological overlap anew: this could be done more efficiently by saving the TOM
# calculated during module detection, but let us do it again here.
dissTOM = 1-TOMsimilarityFromExpr(datExpr0, power = 2);
TOM calculation: adjacency..
..will not use multithreading.
Fraction of slow calculations: 0.000000
..matrix multiplication (system BLAS)..
# Transform dissTOM with a power to make moderately strong connections more visible in the heatmap
plotTOM = dissTOM^7;
# Set diagonal to NA for a nicer plot
diag(plotTOM) = NA;
selectTOM = dissTOM[rownames(dissTOM) %in% unlist(Markers_Loo),colnames(dissTOM) %in% unlist(Markers_Loo)];
# There’s no simple way of restricting a clustering tree to a subset of genes, so we must re-cluster.
selectTree = hclust(as.dist(selectTOM), method = "average")
moduleColors = mergedColors
names(moduleColors) = rownames(dissTOM)
selectColors = moduleColors[names(moduleColors) %in% unlist(Markers_Loo)]
# Open a graphical window
# Taking the dissimilarity to a power, say 10, makes the plot more informative by effectively changing
# the color palette; setting the diagonal to NA also improves the clarity of the plot
plotDiss = selectTOM^7;
diag(plotDiss) = NA;
TOMplot(plotDiss, selectTree, selectColors, main = "Network heatmap plot, selected genes",col=myheatcol)
"Module colors",
dendroLabels = NULL, hang = 0.03,
addGuide = TRUE, guideHang = 0.05)
9130024F11Rik Aldoc Arhgef39 Aspm Bcl11b Cdc25c Crym Cyr61
0 1 0 2 0 2 0 1
Dok5 Ebf3 Ednrb Fezf2 Gas1 Hes1 Hes5 Hs3st4
0 4 1 0 1 1 1 0
Htra1 Inhba Lhx1 Lhx5 Ndnf Nek2 Nfe2l3 Nxph3
1 0 4 4 4 2 0 0
Pax6 Plk1 Reln Rwdd3 Samd3 Satb2 Sla Sybu
1 2 4 0 0 0 0 0
Tcf19 Tk1 Trp73
0 2 4
There were 15 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
WGCNA using the 2000 genes most varied by Seurat, detects the following number of markers.
[1] 35
tableMarkersWGCNA = = 5,ncol = 4))
rownames(tableMarkersWGCNA)=c("WGCNA.L.I","WGCNA.Not Grouped","WGCNA.PROG","WGCNA.unknown1", "WGCNA.unknown2")
Reln Lhx5 Satb2 Cux1 Rorb Sox5 Bcl11b Fezf2 Vim Hes1
4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
# Attention! The next list need to be updated by hand!
groups = list("L.I"=4,"unknown1"=3,"PROG"=1, "unknown2"=2 , "Not Grouped"=0 )
for(layer1 in c("L.I","unknown1","PROG","unknown2","Not Grouped")){
for(layer2 in c("L.I","L.II.IV", "L.V.VI","PROG")){
tableMarkersWGCNA[paste0("WGCNA.",layer1),paste0("Loo.",layer2)] =
sum(names(net$colors[net$colors %in% groups[[layer1]]]) %in% Markers_Loo[[layer2]])
#tableMarkersWGCNA[paste0("WGCNA.","Not Grouped"),paste0("Loo.",layer2)] =
# sum(names(net$colors[!net$colors %in% unlist(groups)]) %in% Markers_Loo[[layer2]])
dend %>%
set("labels", ifelse(labels(dend) %in% rownames(pca_1)[rownames(pca_1) %in% unlist(Markers_Loo)], labels(dend), "")) %>%
set("branches_k_color", value = c("gray80","#4DBBD5FF","#91D1C2FF" ,"gray80","#F39B7FFF","#E64B35FF","#3C5488FF"), k = 7) %>%
set("labels_cex"=0.1) %>%
set("branches_lwd", 0.5) %>%
plot_horiz.dendrogram(horiz=T, axes=T,xlim = c(0,80), dLeaf = -15,text_pos = 3)
R version 4.0.4 (2021-02-15)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Matrix products: default
BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] gplots_3.1.1 patchwork_1.1.1 dplyr_1.0.4 SeuratObject_4.0.0
[5] Seurat_4.0.0 cluster_2.1.1 WGCNA_1.70-3 fastcluster_1.1.25
[9] dynamicTreeCut_1.63-1 dendextend_1.14.0 ggrepel_0.9.1 factoextra_1.0.7
[13] Matrix_1.3-2 data.table_1.13.6 ggplot2_3.3.3 COTAN_0.1.0
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
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[5] AnnotationDbi_1.52.0 htmlwidgets_1.5.3 grid_4.0.4 Rtsne_0.15
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[13] future_1.21.0 miniUI_0.1.1.1 withr_2.4.1 colorspace_2.0-0
[17] Biobase_2.50.0 filelock_1.0.2 knitr_1.31 rstudioapi_0.13
[21] stats4_4.0.4 ROCR_1.0-11 ggsignif_0.6.1 tensor_1.5
[25] listenv_0.8.0 labeling_0.4.2 polyclip_1.10-0 bit64_4.0.5
[29] farver_2.0.3 basilisk_1.2.1 parallelly_1.23.0 vctrs_0.3.6
[33] generics_0.1.0 xfun_0.20 R6_2.5.0 doParallel_1.0.16
[37] clue_0.3-58 bitops_1.0-6 spatstat.utils_2.0-0 cachem_1.0.3
[41] gridGraphics_0.5-1 assertthat_0.2.1 promises_1.1.1 scales_1.1.1
[45] nnet_7.3-15 gtable_0.3.0 Cairo_1.5-12.2 globals_0.14.0
[49] goftest_1.2-2 rlang_0.4.10 GlobalOptions_0.1.2 splines_4.0.4
[53] rstatix_0.7.0 lazyeval_0.2.2 impute_1.64.0 checkmate_2.0.0
[57] broom_0.7.5 BiocManager_1.30.10 yaml_2.2.1 reshape2_1.4.4
[61] abind_1.4-5 backports_1.2.1 httpuv_1.5.5 Hmisc_4.5-0
[65] tools_4.0.4 ggplotify_0.0.5 ellipsis_0.3.1 jquerylib_0.1.3
[69] RColorBrewer_1.1-2 BiocGenerics_0.36.0 ggridges_0.5.3 Rcpp_1.0.6
[73] plyr_1.8.6 base64enc_0.1-3 purrr_0.3.4 basilisk.utils_1.2.2
[77] ggpubr_0.4.0 rpart_4.1-15 deldir_0.2-10 pbapply_1.4-3
[81] GetoptLong_1.0.5 viridis_0.5.1 cowplot_1.1.1 S4Vectors_0.28.1
[85] zoo_1.8-8 haven_2.3.1 magrittr_2.0.1 scattermore_0.7
[89] openxlsx_4.2.3 circlize_0.4.12 lmtest_0.9-38 RANN_2.6.1
[93] fitdistrplus_1.1-3 matrixStats_0.58.0 hms_1.0.0 mime_0.9
[97] evaluate_0.14 xtable_1.8-4 jpeg_0.1-8.1 rio_0.5.16
[101] readxl_1.3.1 IRanges_2.24.1 gridExtra_2.3 shape_1.4.5
[105] compiler_4.0.4 tibble_3.0.6 KernSmooth_2.23-18 crayon_1.4.0
[109] R.oo_1.24.0 htmltools_0.5.1.1 mgcv_1.8-33 later_1.1.0.1
[113] Formula_1.2-4 tidyr_1.1.2 DBI_1.1.1 ComplexHeatmap_2.6.2
[117] MASS_7.3-53.1 rappdirs_0.3.3 car_3.0-10 R.methodsS3_1.8.1
[121] parallel_4.0.4 igraph_1.2.6 forcats_0.5.1 pkgconfig_2.0.3
[125] rvcheck_0.1.8 foreign_0.8-81 plotly_4.9.3 foreach_1.5.1
[129] bslib_0.2.4 stringr_1.4.0 digest_0.6.27 sctransform_0.3.2
[133] RcppAnnoy_0.0.18 spatstat.data_2.0-0 rmarkdown_2.7 cellranger_1.1.0
[137] leiden_0.3.7 htmlTable_2.1.0 uwot_0.1.10 curl_4.3
[141] gtools_3.8.2 shiny_1.6.0 rjson_0.2.20 lifecycle_0.2.0
[145] nlme_3.1-152 jsonlite_1.7.2 carData_3.0-4 viridisLite_0.3.0
[149] pillar_1.4.7 lattice_0.20-41 fastmap_1.1.0 httr_1.4.2
[153] survival_3.2-7 GO.db_3.12.1 glue_1.4.2 zip_2.1.1
[157] spatstat_1.64-1 png_0.1-7 iterators_1.0.13 bit_4.0.4
[161] sass_0.3.1 stringi_1.5.3 blob_1.2.1 caTools_1.18.1
[165] latticeExtra_0.6-29 memoise_2.0.0 irlba_2.3.3 future.apply_1.7.0