This web page contains all data regarding the COTAN paper. Here can be found:
All datasets analysis, some of which with and whitout initial cleaning step.
The comparison of our gene clustering to detect cortex layer markers, with the markers found in Loo et al. paper. This part also contains the comparison with a WGCNA approach.
The negative dataset analysis.\
The repository for the package tool is the gitHub.
In this work where use the following public datasets:
The COTAN analysis time is approximatively proportional to the cell number in the dataset. In particular, the most demanding step is the analysis step when a is minimized for each gene. This step is done by a multicore function (that is not supported under windows architecture). By default, and during tests it was fixed to 11 cores. For example, a dataset with around 5000 cells was analysed in around 3 minutes. The machine used had RAM 64GiB and an Intel(R) Dual Xeon(R) Silver 4214 CPU @ 2.20GHz.
## [1] "Wed Jan 19 10:08:52 2022"