Results - Log Fold Change


Marco fantozzi


options(parallelly.fork.enable = TRUE)

dirOut <- file.path(".", "Results/FDR/")
if (!dir.exists(dirOut)) {

dataSetDir <- file.path("Data/MouseCortexFromLoom/FDR/", "MergedClusters_For_FDR")

Dataset composition

datasets_csv <- read.csv(file.path(dataSetDir,"Cells_Usage_DataFrame.csv"),
                         row.names = 1, header = TRUE, quote = '"'

datasets_csv[1:10, ]
                    Group            Collection E13.5.432 E13.5.187 E13.5.434
1    2_Clusters_even_near E13.5-434_+_E15.0-428         0         0       318
2    2_Clusters_even_near E15.0-432_+_E13.5-432       536         0         0
3    2_Clusters_even_near E15.0-508_+_E15.0-509         0         0         0
4  2_Clusters_even_medium E13.5-187_+_E13.5-184         0       292         0
5  2_Clusters_even_medium E15.0-434_+_E17.5-516         0         0         0
6  2_Clusters_even_medium E15.0-437_+_E15.0-508         0         0         0
7     2_Clusters_even_far E17.5-516_+_E13.5-187         0       297         0
8     2_Clusters_even_far E15.0-510_+_E13.5-437         0         0         0
9     2_Clusters_even_far E15.0-509_+_E13.5-184         0         0         0
10 2_Clusters_uneven_near E13.5-434_+_E15.0-428         0         0       326
   E13.5.184 E13.5.437 E13.5.510 E15.0.432 E15.0.509 E15.0.510 E15.0.508
1          0         0         0         0         0         0         0
2          0         0         0       536         0         0         0
3          0         0         0         0       397         0       397
4        292         0         0         0         0         0         0
5          0         0         0         0         0         0         0
6          0         0         0         0         0         0       258
7          0         0         0         0         0         0         0
8          0       259         0         0         0       259         0
9        292         0         0         0       292         0         0
10         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
   E15.0.428 E15.0.434 E15.0.437 E17.5.516 E17.5.505
1        318         0         0         0         0
2          0         0         0         0         0
3          0         0         0         0         0
4          0         0         0         0         0
5          0       273         0       273         0
6          0         0       258         0         0
7          0         0         0       297         0
8          0         0         0         0         0
9          0         0         0         0         0
10        37         0         0         0         0

Define which genes are expressed

For each data set we need to define, independently from the DEA methods, which genes are specific for each cluster. So we need to define first which genes are expressed and which are not expressed. To do so we can take advantage from the fact that we have the original clusters from which the cells were sampled to create the artificial datasets. So looking to the original cluster we define as expressed all genes present for which there are at least 2 reads every 10 cells. We define as enriched for a cluster the genes that are present and have at least 3 times as many average reads as the average reads outside the cluster.

readsLogMeansPerCluster <- readRDS(file.path(dirOut, "readsLogAverageCount_PerCluster.RDS"))

thresholdLFC <- log10(3.0) # presence if 3 times more reads on average
thresholdLFM <- log10(10000 * 2 / 10) # 2 reads each 10 cells

[1] 3
[1] 0.2

2 Clusters even


True vector

subset.datasets_csv <-datasets_csv[datasets_csv$Group == "2_Clusters_even_near", ]

ground_truth_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  clusters <- str_split(subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind], pattern = "_[+]_", simplify = T)
  reads.LM.subset <- readsLogMeansPerCluster[, clusters]
  ground_truth <- = nrow(reads.LM.subset),
                                       ncol = ncol(reads.LM.subset)))
  rownames(ground_truth) <- rownames(reads.LM.subset)
  colnames(ground_truth) <- colnames(reads.LM.subset)

  for (col in 1:ncol(ground_truth)) {
    # log fold change
    ground_truth[, col] <- reads.LM.subset[, col] - rowMeans(reads.LM.subset[, -col, drop = FALSE])
    ground_truth[, col] <- ground_truth[, col] > thresholdLFC & reads.LM.subset[, col] > thresholdLFM

  ground_truth$genes <- rownames(ground_truth)
  ground_truth <- pivot_longer(ground_truth,
                               cols = 1:(ncol(ground_truth)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  ground_truth$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind, 1] 
  ground_truth$set_number <- ind 
  ground_truth_tot <- rbind(ground_truth_tot, ground_truth)
ground_truth_tot <- ground_truth_tot[2:nrow(ground_truth_tot),]

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  genes clusters  value data_set             set_number
  <chr> <chr>     <lgl> <chr>                     <int>
1 Neil2 E13.5-434 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_near          1
2 Neil2 E15.0-428 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_near          1
3 Lamc1 E13.5-434 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_near          1
4 Lamc1 E15.0-428 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_near          1
5 Lama1 E13.5-434 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_near          1
6 Lama1 E15.0-428 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_near          1
[1] 14695
[1] 80


onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  deaCOTAN <- getClusterizationData(dataset,clName = "mergedClusters")[[2]]
  pvalCOTAN <- pValueFromDEA(deaCOTAN,
              numCells = getNumCells(dataset),method = "none")
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
                  str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1])
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
  colnames(deaCOTAN) <- cl.names
  colnames(pvalCOTAN) <- cl.names
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pvalCOTAN

    for (cl in cl.names) {
    #temp.DEA.CotanSign <- deaCOTAN[rownames(pvalCOTAN[pvalCOTAN[,cl] < 0.05,]) ,]
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl] <-  1 #onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl]+1
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$genes <- rownames(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan) 
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pivot_longer(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan,
                                            values_to = "p_values",
                               cols = 1:(ncol(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$set_number <- ind 
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- rbind(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot, onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)
[1] "E13.5-434"
[1] "E15.0-428"
[1] "E15.0-432"
[1] "E13.5-432"
[1] "E15.0-509"
[1] "E15.0-508"
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[2:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),]

onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <-,
                                                ground_truth_tot,by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),all.x = T,all.y = F)

#onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[order(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values,
 #                                                                decreasing = F),]
# df <- = nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),ncol = 3)) 
# colnames(df) <- c("TPR","FPR","Method")
# df$Method <- "COTAN"
# Positive <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value) 
# Negative <- sum(!onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)
# for (i in 1:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot)) {
#   df[i,"TPR"] <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"])/Positive
#   df[i,"FPR"] <- (i-sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"]))/Negative
# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value <- as.numeric(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultCOTAN <- roc(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value, 1 - onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat scTransform

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_ScTransform_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_scTr <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat Bimod

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_Bimod_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_Bimod <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Monocle

deaMonocle_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaMonocle <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Monocle_DEA_genes.csv")),row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaMonocle[deaMonocle$cell_group == cl.val,"cell_group"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "cell_group",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "gene_id",
                                     replacement = "genes")
  deaMonocle$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaMonocle$set_number <- ind 
  deaMonocle <-
  deaMonocle_tot <- rbind(deaMonocle_tot, deaMonocle)
 deaMonocle_tot <-  deaMonocle_tot[2:nrow(deaMonocle_tot),]
 deaMonocle_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaMonocle_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaMonocle_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultMonocle <- roc(deaMonocle_tot$value, 1 - deaMonocle_tot$marker_test_p_value)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC from ScamPy

deaScamPy_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaScamPy <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"ScamPy_DEA_genes.csv")),
                        row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaScamPy[deaScamPy$clusters == paste0("cl",cl.val),"clusters"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)

  deaScamPy$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaScamPy$set_number <- ind 
  deaScamPy_tot <- rbind(deaScamPy_tot, deaScamPy)
 deaScamPy_tot <-  deaScamPy_tot[2:nrow(deaScamPy_tot),]
 deaScamPy_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaScamPy_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaScamPy_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultScamPy <- roc(deaScamPy_tot$value, 1 - deaScamPy_tot$pval)

# Plot the ROC curve

Summary ROC for all methods

TwoClusters_even_near <- ggroc(list(COTAN=roc_resultCOTAN, Seurat=roc_resultSeurat,
                 Seurat_scTr = roc_resultSeurat_scTr, Seurat_Bimod = roc_resultSeurat_Bimod,
                 Monocle=roc_resultMonocle, ScamPy=roc_resultScamPy))

TwoClusters_even_nearPL <- TwoClusters_even_near + xlab("FPR") + ylab("TPR")


True vector

subset.datasets_csv <-datasets_csv[datasets_csv$Group == "2_Clusters_even_medium", ]

ground_truth_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  clusters <- str_split(subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind], pattern = "_[+]_", simplify = T)
  reads.LM.subset <- readsLogMeansPerCluster[, clusters]
  ground_truth <- = nrow(reads.LM.subset),
                                       ncol = ncol(reads.LM.subset)))
  rownames(ground_truth) <- rownames(reads.LM.subset)
  colnames(ground_truth) <- colnames(reads.LM.subset)

  for (col in 1:ncol(ground_truth)) {
    # log fold change
    ground_truth[, col] <- reads.LM.subset[, col] - rowMeans(reads.LM.subset[, -col, drop = FALSE])
    ground_truth[, col] <- ground_truth[, col] > thresholdLFC & reads.LM.subset[, col] > thresholdLFM

  ground_truth$genes <- rownames(ground_truth)
  ground_truth <- pivot_longer(ground_truth,
                               cols = 1:(ncol(ground_truth)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  ground_truth$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind, 1]
  ground_truth$set_number <- ind 
  ground_truth_tot <- rbind(ground_truth_tot, ground_truth)
ground_truth_tot <- ground_truth_tot[2:nrow(ground_truth_tot),]

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  genes clusters  value data_set               set_number
  <chr> <chr>     <lgl> <chr>                       <int>
1 Neil2 E13.5-187 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_medium          1
2 Neil2 E13.5-184 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_medium          1
3 Lamc1 E13.5-187 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_medium          1
4 Lamc1 E13.5-184 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_medium          1
5 Lama1 E13.5-187 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_medium          1
6 Lama1 E13.5-184 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_medium          1
[1] 14695
[1] 1559


onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  deaCOTAN <- getClusterizationData(dataset,clName = "mergedClusters")[[2]]
  pvalCOTAN <- pValueFromDEA(deaCOTAN,
              numCells = getNumCells(dataset),method = "none")
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
                  str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1])
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
  colnames(deaCOTAN) <- cl.names
  colnames(pvalCOTAN) <- cl.names
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pvalCOTAN

    for (cl in cl.names) {
    #temp.DEA.CotanSign <- deaCOTAN[rownames(pvalCOTAN[pvalCOTAN[,cl] < 0.05,]) ,]
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl] <-  1 #onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl]+1
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$genes <- rownames(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan) 
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pivot_longer(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan,
                                            values_to = "p_values",
                               cols = 1:(ncol(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$set_number <- ind 
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- rbind(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot, onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)
[1] "E13.5-187"
[1] "E13.5-184"
[1] "E17.5-516"
[1] "E15.0-434"
[1] "E15.0-508"
[1] "E15.0-437"
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[2:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),]

onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <-,
                                                ground_truth_tot,by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),all.x = T,all.y = F)

#onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[order(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values,
 #                                                                decreasing = F),]
# df <- = nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),ncol = 3)) 
# colnames(df) <- c("TPR","FPR","Method")
# df$Method <- "COTAN"
# Positive <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value) 
# Negative <- sum(!onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)
# for (i in 1:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot)) {
#   df[i,"TPR"] <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"])/Positive
#   df[i,"FPR"] <- (i-sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"]))/Negative
# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value <- as.numeric(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultCOTAN <- roc(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value, 1 - onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat scTransform

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_ScTransform_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_scTr <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat Bimod

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_Bimod_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_Bimod <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Monocle

deaMonocle_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaMonocle <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Monocle_DEA_genes.csv")),row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaMonocle[deaMonocle$cell_group == cl.val,"cell_group"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "cell_group",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "gene_id",
                                     replacement = "genes")
  deaMonocle$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaMonocle$set_number <- ind 
  deaMonocle <-
  deaMonocle_tot <- rbind(deaMonocle_tot, deaMonocle)
 deaMonocle_tot <-  deaMonocle_tot[2:nrow(deaMonocle_tot),]
 deaMonocle_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaMonocle_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaMonocle_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultMonocle <- roc(deaMonocle_tot$value, 1 - deaMonocle_tot$marker_test_p_value)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC from ScamPy

deaScamPy_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaScamPy <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"ScamPy_DEA_genes.csv")),
                        row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaScamPy[deaScamPy$clusters == paste0("cl",cl.val),"clusters"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)

  deaScamPy$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaScamPy$set_number <- ind 
  deaScamPy_tot <- rbind(deaScamPy_tot, deaScamPy)
 deaScamPy_tot <-  deaScamPy_tot[2:nrow(deaScamPy_tot),]
 deaScamPy_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaScamPy_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaScamPy_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultScamPy <- roc(deaScamPy_tot$value, 1 - deaScamPy_tot$pval)

# Plot the ROC curve

Summary ROC for all methods

TwoClusters_even_medium <- ggroc(list(COTAN=roc_resultCOTAN, Seurat=roc_resultSeurat,
                 Seurat_scTr = roc_resultSeurat_scTr, Seurat_Bimod = roc_resultSeurat_Bimod,
                 Monocle=roc_resultMonocle, ScamPy=roc_resultScamPy))

TwoClusters_even_mediumPL <- TwoClusters_even_medium + xlab("FPR") + ylab("TPR")


True vector

subset.datasets_csv <-datasets_csv[datasets_csv$Group == "2_Clusters_even_far", ]

ground_truth_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  clusters <- str_split(subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind], pattern = "_[+]_", simplify = T)
  reads.LM.subset <- readsLogMeansPerCluster[, clusters]
  ground_truth <- = nrow(reads.LM.subset),
                                       ncol = ncol(reads.LM.subset)))
  rownames(ground_truth) <- rownames(reads.LM.subset)
  colnames(ground_truth) <- colnames(reads.LM.subset)

  for (col in 1:ncol(ground_truth)) {
    # log fold change
    ground_truth[, col] <- reads.LM.subset[, col] - rowMeans(reads.LM.subset[, -col, drop = FALSE])
    ground_truth[, col] <- ground_truth[, col] > thresholdLFC & reads.LM.subset[, col] > thresholdLFM

  ground_truth$genes <- rownames(ground_truth)
  ground_truth <- pivot_longer(ground_truth,
                               cols = 1:(ncol(ground_truth)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  ground_truth$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind, 1]
  ground_truth$set_number <- ind 
  ground_truth_tot <- rbind(ground_truth_tot, ground_truth)
ground_truth_tot <- ground_truth_tot[2:nrow(ground_truth_tot),]

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  genes clusters  value data_set            set_number
  <chr> <chr>     <lgl> <chr>                    <int>
1 Neil2 E17.5-516 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_far          1
2 Neil2 E13.5-187 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_far          1
3 Lamc1 E17.5-516 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_far          1
4 Lamc1 E13.5-187 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_far          1
5 Lama1 E17.5-516 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_far          1
6 Lama1 E13.5-187 FALSE 2_Clusters_even_far          1
[1] 14695
[1] 4020


onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  deaCOTAN <- getClusterizationData(dataset,clName = "mergedClusters")[[2]]
  pvalCOTAN <- pValueFromDEA(deaCOTAN,
              numCells = getNumCells(dataset),method = "none")
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
                  str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1])
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
  colnames(deaCOTAN) <- cl.names
  colnames(pvalCOTAN) <- cl.names
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pvalCOTAN

    for (cl in cl.names) {
    #temp.DEA.CotanSign <- deaCOTAN[rownames(pvalCOTAN[pvalCOTAN[,cl] < 0.05,]) ,]
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl] <-  1 #onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl]+1
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$genes <- rownames(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan) 
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pivot_longer(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan,
                                            values_to = "p_values",
                               cols = 1:(ncol(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$set_number <- ind 
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- rbind(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot, onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)
[1] "E13.5-187"
[1] "E17.5-516"
[1] "E15.0-510"
[1] "E13.5-437"
[1] "E15.0-509"
[1] "E13.5-184"
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[2:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),]

onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <-,
                                                ground_truth_tot,by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),all.x = T,all.y = F)

#onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[order(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values,
 #                                                                decreasing = F),]
# df <- = nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),ncol = 3)) 
# colnames(df) <- c("TPR","FPR","Method")
# df$Method <- "COTAN"
# Positive <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value) 
# Negative <- sum(!onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)
# for (i in 1:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot)) {
#   df[i,"TPR"] <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"])/Positive
#   df[i,"FPR"] <- (i-sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"]))/Negative
# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value <- as.numeric(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultCOTAN <- roc(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value, 1 - onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat scTransform

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_ScTransform_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_scTr <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat Bimod

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_Bimod_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_Bimod <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Monocle

deaMonocle_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaMonocle <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Monocle_DEA_genes.csv")),row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaMonocle[deaMonocle$cell_group == cl.val,"cell_group"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "cell_group",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "gene_id",
                                     replacement = "genes")
  deaMonocle$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaMonocle$set_number <- ind 
  deaMonocle <-
  deaMonocle_tot <- rbind(deaMonocle_tot, deaMonocle)
 deaMonocle_tot <-  deaMonocle_tot[2:nrow(deaMonocle_tot),]
 deaMonocle_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaMonocle_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaMonocle_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultMonocle <- roc(deaMonocle_tot$value, 1 - deaMonocle_tot$marker_test_p_value)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC from ScamPy

deaScamPy_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaScamPy <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"ScamPy_DEA_genes.csv")),
                        row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaScamPy[deaScamPy$clusters == paste0("cl",cl.val),"clusters"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)

  deaScamPy$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaScamPy$set_number <- ind 
  deaScamPy_tot <- rbind(deaScamPy_tot, deaScamPy)
 deaScamPy_tot <-  deaScamPy_tot[2:nrow(deaScamPy_tot),]
 deaScamPy_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaScamPy_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaScamPy_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultScamPy <- roc(deaScamPy_tot$value, 1 - deaScamPy_tot$pval)

# Plot the ROC curve

Summary ROC for all methods

TwoClusters_even_far <- ggroc(list(COTAN=roc_resultCOTAN, Seurat=roc_resultSeurat,
                 Seurat_scTr = roc_resultSeurat_scTr, Seurat_Bimod = roc_resultSeurat_Bimod,
                 Monocle=roc_resultMonocle, ScamPy=roc_resultScamPy))

TwoClusters_even_farPL <- TwoClusters_even_far + xlab("FPR") + ylab("TPR")

2 Clusters uneven


True vector

subset.datasets_csv <-datasets_csv[datasets_csv$Group == "2_Clusters_uneven_near", ]

ground_truth_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  clusters <- str_split(subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind], pattern = "_[+]_", simplify = T)
  reads.LM.subset <- readsLogMeansPerCluster[, clusters]
  ground_truth <- = nrow(reads.LM.subset),
                                       ncol = ncol(reads.LM.subset)))
  rownames(ground_truth) <- rownames(reads.LM.subset)
  colnames(ground_truth) <- colnames(reads.LM.subset)

  for (col in 1:ncol(ground_truth)) {
    # log fold change
    ground_truth[, col] <- reads.LM.subset[, col] - rowMeans(reads.LM.subset[, -col, drop = FALSE])
    ground_truth[, col] <- ground_truth[, col] > thresholdLFC & reads.LM.subset[, col] > thresholdLFM

  ground_truth$genes <- rownames(ground_truth)
  ground_truth <- pivot_longer(ground_truth,
                               cols = 1:(ncol(ground_truth)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  ground_truth$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind, 1]
  ground_truth$set_number <- ind 
  ground_truth_tot <- rbind(ground_truth_tot, ground_truth)
ground_truth_tot <- ground_truth_tot[2:nrow(ground_truth_tot),]

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  genes clusters  value data_set               set_number
  <chr> <chr>     <lgl> <chr>                       <int>
1 Neil2 E13.5-434 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_near          1
2 Neil2 E15.0-428 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_near          1
3 Lamc1 E13.5-434 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_near          1
4 Lamc1 E15.0-428 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_near          1
5 Lama1 E13.5-434 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_near          1
6 Lama1 E15.0-428 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_near          1
[1] 14695
[1] 80


onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  deaCOTAN <- getClusterizationData(dataset,clName = "mergedClusters")[[2]]
  pvalCOTAN <- pValueFromDEA(deaCOTAN,
              numCells = getNumCells(dataset),method = "none")
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
                  str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1])
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
  colnames(deaCOTAN) <- cl.names
  colnames(pvalCOTAN) <- cl.names
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pvalCOTAN

    for (cl in cl.names) {
    #temp.DEA.CotanSign <- deaCOTAN[rownames(pvalCOTAN[pvalCOTAN[,cl] < 0.05,]) ,]
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl] <-  1 #onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl]+1
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$genes <- rownames(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan) 
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pivot_longer(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan,
                                            values_to = "p_values",
                               cols = 1:(ncol(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$set_number <- ind 
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- rbind(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot, onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)
[1] "E13.5-434"
[1] "E15.0-428"
[1] "E15.0-432"
[1] "E13.5-432"
[1] "E15.0-509"
[1] "E15.0-508"
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[2:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),]

onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <-,
                                                ground_truth_tot,by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),all.x = T,all.y = F)

#onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[order(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values,
 #                                                                decreasing = F),]
# df <- = nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),ncol = 3)) 
# colnames(df) <- c("TPR","FPR","Method")
# df$Method <- "COTAN"
# Positive <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value) 
# Negative <- sum(!onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)
# for (i in 1:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot)) {
#   df[i,"TPR"] <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"])/Positive
#   df[i,"FPR"] <- (i-sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"]))/Negative
# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value <- as.numeric(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultCOTAN <- roc(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value, 1 - onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat scTransform

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_ScTransform_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_scTr <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat Bimod

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_Bimod_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_Bimod <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Monocle

deaMonocle_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaMonocle <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Monocle_DEA_genes.csv")),row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaMonocle[deaMonocle$cell_group == cl.val,"cell_group"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "cell_group",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "gene_id",
                                     replacement = "genes")
  deaMonocle$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaMonocle$set_number <- ind 
  deaMonocle <-
  deaMonocle_tot <- rbind(deaMonocle_tot, deaMonocle)
 deaMonocle_tot <-  deaMonocle_tot[2:nrow(deaMonocle_tot),]
 deaMonocle_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaMonocle_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaMonocle_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultMonocle <- roc(deaMonocle_tot$value, 1 - deaMonocle_tot$marker_test_p_value)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC from ScamPy

deaScamPy_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaScamPy <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"ScamPy_DEA_genes.csv")),
                        row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaScamPy[deaScamPy$clusters == paste0("cl",cl.val),"clusters"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)

  deaScamPy$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaScamPy$set_number <- ind 
  deaScamPy_tot <- rbind(deaScamPy_tot, deaScamPy)
 deaScamPy_tot <-  deaScamPy_tot[2:nrow(deaScamPy_tot),]
 deaScamPy_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaScamPy_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaScamPy_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultScamPy <- roc(deaScamPy_tot$value, 1 - deaScamPy_tot$pval)

# Plot the ROC curve

Summary ROC for all methods

TwoClusters_uneven_near <- ggroc(list(COTAN=roc_resultCOTAN, Seurat=roc_resultSeurat,
                 Seurat_scTr = roc_resultSeurat_scTr, Seurat_Bimod = roc_resultSeurat_Bimod,
                 Monocle=roc_resultMonocle, ScamPy=roc_resultScamPy))

TwoClusters_uneven_nearPL <- TwoClusters_uneven_near + xlab("FPR") + ylab("TPR")


True vector

subset.datasets_csv <-datasets_csv[datasets_csv$Group == "2_Clusters_uneven_medium", ]

ground_truth_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  clusters <- str_split(subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind], pattern = "_[+]_", simplify = T)
  reads.LM.subset <- readsLogMeansPerCluster[, clusters]
  ground_truth <- = nrow(reads.LM.subset),
                                       ncol = ncol(reads.LM.subset)))
  rownames(ground_truth) <- rownames(reads.LM.subset)
  colnames(ground_truth) <- colnames(reads.LM.subset)

  for (col in 1:ncol(ground_truth)) {
    # log fold change
    ground_truth[, col] <- reads.LM.subset[, col] - rowMeans(reads.LM.subset[, -col, drop = FALSE])
    ground_truth[, col] <- ground_truth[, col] > thresholdLFC & reads.LM.subset[, col] > thresholdLFM

  ground_truth$genes <- rownames(ground_truth)
  ground_truth <- pivot_longer(ground_truth,
                               cols = 1:(ncol(ground_truth)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  ground_truth$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind, 1]
  ground_truth$set_number <- ind 
  ground_truth_tot <- rbind(ground_truth_tot, ground_truth)
ground_truth_tot <- ground_truth_tot[2:nrow(ground_truth_tot),]

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  genes clusters  value data_set                 set_number
  <chr> <chr>     <lgl> <chr>                         <int>
1 Neil2 E13.5-187 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_medium          1
2 Neil2 E13.5-184 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_medium          1
3 Lamc1 E13.5-187 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_medium          1
4 Lamc1 E13.5-184 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_medium          1
5 Lama1 E13.5-187 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_medium          1
6 Lama1 E13.5-184 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_medium          1
[1] 14695
[1] 1559


onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  deaCOTAN <- getClusterizationData(dataset,clName = "mergedClusters")[[2]]
  pvalCOTAN <- pValueFromDEA(deaCOTAN,
              numCells = getNumCells(dataset),method = "none")
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
                  str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1])
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
  colnames(deaCOTAN) <- cl.names
  colnames(pvalCOTAN) <- cl.names
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pvalCOTAN

    for (cl in cl.names) {
    #temp.DEA.CotanSign <- deaCOTAN[rownames(pvalCOTAN[pvalCOTAN[,cl] < 0.05,]) ,]
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl] <-  1 #onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl]+1
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$genes <- rownames(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan) 
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pivot_longer(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan,
                                            values_to = "p_values",
                               cols = 1:(ncol(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$set_number <- ind 
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- rbind(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot, onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)
[1] "E13.5-187"
[1] "E13.5-184"
[1] "E17.5-516"
[1] "E15.0-434"
[1] "E15.0-508"
[1] "E15.0-437"
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[2:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),]

onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <-,
                                                ground_truth_tot,by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),all.x = T,all.y = F)

#onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[order(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values,
 #                                                                decreasing = F),]
# df <- = nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),ncol = 3)) 
# colnames(df) <- c("TPR","FPR","Method")
# df$Method <- "COTAN"
# Positive <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value) 
# Negative <- sum(!onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)
# for (i in 1:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot)) {
#   df[i,"TPR"] <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"])/Positive
#   df[i,"FPR"] <- (i-sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"]))/Negative
# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value <- as.numeric(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultCOTAN <- roc(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value, 1 - onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat scTransform

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_ScTransform_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_scTr <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat Bimod

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_Bimod_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_Bimod <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Monocle

deaMonocle_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaMonocle <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Monocle_DEA_genes.csv")),row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaMonocle[deaMonocle$cell_group == cl.val,"cell_group"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "cell_group",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "gene_id",
                                     replacement = "genes")
  deaMonocle$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaMonocle$set_number <- ind 
  deaMonocle <-
  deaMonocle_tot <- rbind(deaMonocle_tot, deaMonocle)
 deaMonocle_tot <-  deaMonocle_tot[2:nrow(deaMonocle_tot),]
 deaMonocle_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaMonocle_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaMonocle_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultMonocle <- roc(deaMonocle_tot$value, 1 - deaMonocle_tot$marker_test_p_value)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC from ScamPy

deaScamPy_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaScamPy <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"ScamPy_DEA_genes.csv")),
                        row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaScamPy[deaScamPy$clusters == paste0("cl",cl.val),"clusters"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)

  deaScamPy$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaScamPy$set_number <- ind 
  deaScamPy_tot <- rbind(deaScamPy_tot, deaScamPy)
 deaScamPy_tot <-  deaScamPy_tot[2:nrow(deaScamPy_tot),]
 deaScamPy_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaScamPy_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaScamPy_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultScamPy <- roc(deaScamPy_tot$value, 1 - deaScamPy_tot$pval)

# Plot the ROC curve

Summary ROC for all methods

TwoClusters_uneven_medium <- ggroc(list(COTAN=roc_resultCOTAN, Seurat=roc_resultSeurat,
                 Seurat_scTr = roc_resultSeurat_scTr, Seurat_Bimod = roc_resultSeurat_Bimod,
                 Monocle=roc_resultMonocle, ScamPy=roc_resultScamPy))

TwoClusters_uneven_mediumPL <- TwoClusters_uneven_medium + xlab("FPR") + ylab("TPR")


True vector

subset.datasets_csv <-datasets_csv[datasets_csv$Group == "2_Clusters_uneven_far", ]

ground_truth_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  clusters <- str_split(subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind], pattern = "_[+]_", simplify = T)
  reads.LM.subset <- readsLogMeansPerCluster[, clusters]
  ground_truth <- = nrow(reads.LM.subset),
                                       ncol = ncol(reads.LM.subset)))
  rownames(ground_truth) <- rownames(reads.LM.subset)
  colnames(ground_truth) <- colnames(reads.LM.subset)

  for (col in 1:ncol(ground_truth)) {
    # log fold change
    ground_truth[, col] <- reads.LM.subset[, col] - rowMeans(reads.LM.subset[, -col, drop = FALSE])
    ground_truth[, col] <- ground_truth[, col] > thresholdLFC & reads.LM.subset[, col] > thresholdLFM

  ground_truth$genes <- rownames(ground_truth)
  ground_truth <- pivot_longer(ground_truth,
                               cols = 1:(ncol(ground_truth)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  ground_truth$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind, 1]
  ground_truth$set_number <- ind 
  ground_truth_tot <- rbind(ground_truth_tot, ground_truth)
ground_truth_tot <- ground_truth_tot[2:nrow(ground_truth_tot),]

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  genes clusters  value data_set              set_number
  <chr> <chr>     <lgl> <chr>                      <int>
1 Neil2 E17.5-516 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_far          1
2 Neil2 E13.5-187 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_far          1
3 Lamc1 E17.5-516 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_far          1
4 Lamc1 E13.5-187 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_far          1
5 Lama1 E17.5-516 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_far          1
6 Lama1 E13.5-187 FALSE 2_Clusters_uneven_far          1
[1] 14695
[1] 4020


onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  deaCOTAN <- getClusterizationData(dataset,clName = "mergedClusters")[[2]]
  pvalCOTAN <- pValueFromDEA(deaCOTAN,
              numCells = getNumCells(dataset),method = "none")
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
                  str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1])
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
  colnames(deaCOTAN) <- cl.names
  colnames(pvalCOTAN) <- cl.names
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pvalCOTAN

    for (cl in cl.names) {
    #temp.DEA.CotanSign <- deaCOTAN[rownames(pvalCOTAN[pvalCOTAN[,cl] < 0.05,]) ,]
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl] <-  1 #onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl]+1
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$genes <- rownames(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan) 
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pivot_longer(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan,
                                            values_to = "p_values",
                               cols = 1:(ncol(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$set_number <- ind 
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- rbind(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot, onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)
[1] "E13.5-187"
[1] "E17.5-516"
[1] "E15.0-510"
[1] "E13.5-437"
[1] "E15.0-509"
[1] "E13.5-184"
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[2:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),]

onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <-,
                                                ground_truth_tot,by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),all.x = T,all.y = F)

#onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[order(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values,
 #                                                                decreasing = F),]
# df <- = nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),ncol = 3)) 
# colnames(df) <- c("TPR","FPR","Method")
# df$Method <- "COTAN"
# Positive <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value) 
# Negative <- sum(!onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)
# for (i in 1:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot)) {
#   df[i,"TPR"] <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"])/Positive
#   df[i,"FPR"] <- (i-sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"]))/Negative
# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value <- as.numeric(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultCOTAN <- roc(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value, 1 - onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat scTransform

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_ScTransform_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_scTr <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat Bimod

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_Bimod_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_Bimod <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Monocle

deaMonocle_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaMonocle <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Monocle_DEA_genes.csv")),row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaMonocle[deaMonocle$cell_group == cl.val,"cell_group"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "cell_group",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "gene_id",
                                     replacement = "genes")
  deaMonocle$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaMonocle$set_number <- ind 
  deaMonocle <-
  deaMonocle_tot <- rbind(deaMonocle_tot, deaMonocle)
 deaMonocle_tot <-  deaMonocle_tot[2:nrow(deaMonocle_tot),]
 deaMonocle_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaMonocle_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaMonocle_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultMonocle <- roc(deaMonocle_tot$value, 1 - deaMonocle_tot$marker_test_p_value)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC from ScamPy

deaScamPy_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaScamPy <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"ScamPy_DEA_genes.csv")),
                        row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaScamPy[deaScamPy$clusters == paste0("cl",cl.val),"clusters"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)

  deaScamPy$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaScamPy$set_number <- ind 
  deaScamPy_tot <- rbind(deaScamPy_tot, deaScamPy)
 deaScamPy_tot <-  deaScamPy_tot[2:nrow(deaScamPy_tot),]
 deaScamPy_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaScamPy_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaScamPy_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultScamPy <- roc(deaScamPy_tot$value, 1 - deaScamPy_tot$pval)

# Plot the ROC curve

Summary ROC for all methods

TwoClusters_uneven_far <- ggroc(list(COTAN=roc_resultCOTAN, Seurat=roc_resultSeurat,
                 Seurat_scTr = roc_resultSeurat_scTr, Seurat_Bimod = roc_resultSeurat_Bimod,
                 Monocle=roc_resultMonocle, ScamPy=roc_resultScamPy))

TwoClusters_uneven_farPL <- TwoClusters_uneven_far + xlab("FPR") + ylab("TPR")

3 clusters


True vector

subset.datasets_csv <-datasets_csv[datasets_csv$Group == "3_Clusters_even", ]

ground_truth_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  clusters <- str_split(subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind], pattern = "_[+]_", simplify = T)
  reads.LM.subset <- readsLogMeansPerCluster[, clusters]
  ground_truth <- = nrow(reads.LM.subset),
                                       ncol = ncol(reads.LM.subset)))
  rownames(ground_truth) <- rownames(reads.LM.subset)
  colnames(ground_truth) <- colnames(reads.LM.subset)

  for (col in 1:ncol(ground_truth)) {
    # log fold change
    ground_truth[, col] <- reads.LM.subset[, col] - rowMeans(reads.LM.subset[, -col, drop = FALSE])
    ground_truth[, col] <- ground_truth[, col] > thresholdLFC & reads.LM.subset[, col] > thresholdLFM

  ground_truth$genes <- rownames(ground_truth)
  ground_truth <- pivot_longer(ground_truth,
                               cols = 1:(ncol(ground_truth)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  ground_truth$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind, 1]
  ground_truth$set_number <- ind 
  ground_truth_tot <- rbind(ground_truth_tot, ground_truth)
ground_truth_tot <- ground_truth_tot[2:nrow(ground_truth_tot),]

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  genes clusters  value data_set        set_number
  <chr> <chr>     <lgl> <chr>                <int>
1 Neil2 E15.0-437 FALSE 3_Clusters_even          1
2 Neil2 E13.5-510 FALSE 3_Clusters_even          1
3 Neil2 E13.5-437 FALSE 3_Clusters_even          1
4 Lamc1 E15.0-437 FALSE 3_Clusters_even          1
5 Lamc1 E13.5-510 FALSE 3_Clusters_even          1
6 Lamc1 E13.5-437 FALSE 3_Clusters_even          1
[1] 14695
[1] 2608


onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  deaCOTAN <- getClusterizationData(dataset,clName = "mergedClusters")[[2]]
  pvalCOTAN <- pValueFromDEA(deaCOTAN,
              numCells = getNumCells(dataset),method = "none")
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
                  str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1])
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
  colnames(deaCOTAN) <- cl.names
  colnames(pvalCOTAN) <- cl.names
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pvalCOTAN

    for (cl in cl.names) {
    #temp.DEA.CotanSign <- deaCOTAN[rownames(pvalCOTAN[pvalCOTAN[,cl] < 0.05,]) ,]
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl] <-  1 #onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl]+1
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$genes <- rownames(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan) 
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pivot_longer(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan,
                                            values_to = "p_values",
                               cols = 1:(ncol(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$set_number <- ind 
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- rbind(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot, onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)
[1] "E13.5-437"
[1] "E15.0-437"
[1] "E13.5-510"
[1] "E17.5-516"
[1] "E13.5-437"
[1] "E17.5-505"
[1] "E15.0-510"
[1] "E15.0-428"
[1] "E13.5-510"
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[2:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),]

onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <-,
                                                ground_truth_tot,by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),all.x = T,all.y = F)

#onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[order(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values,
 #                                                                decreasing = F),]
# df <- = nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),ncol = 3)) 
# colnames(df) <- c("TPR","FPR","Method")
# df$Method <- "COTAN"
# Positive <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value) 
# Negative <- sum(!onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)
# for (i in 1:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot)) {
#   df[i,"TPR"] <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"])/Positive
#   df[i,"FPR"] <- (i-sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"]))/Negative
# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value <- as.numeric(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultCOTAN <- roc(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value, 1 - onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat scTransform

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_ScTransform_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_scTr <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat Bimod

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_Bimod_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_Bimod <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Monocle

deaMonocle_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaMonocle <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Monocle_DEA_genes.csv")),row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaMonocle[deaMonocle$cell_group == cl.val,"cell_group"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "cell_group",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "gene_id",
                                     replacement = "genes")
  deaMonocle$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaMonocle$set_number <- ind 
  deaMonocle <-
  deaMonocle_tot <- rbind(deaMonocle_tot, deaMonocle)
 deaMonocle_tot <-  deaMonocle_tot[2:nrow(deaMonocle_tot),]
 deaMonocle_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaMonocle_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaMonocle_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultMonocle <- roc(deaMonocle_tot$value, 1 - deaMonocle_tot$marker_test_p_value)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC from ScamPy

deaScamPy_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaScamPy <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"ScamPy_DEA_genes.csv")),
                        row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaScamPy[deaScamPy$clusters == paste0("cl",cl.val),"clusters"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)

  deaScamPy$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaScamPy$set_number <- ind 
  deaScamPy_tot <- rbind(deaScamPy_tot, deaScamPy)
 deaScamPy_tot <-  deaScamPy_tot[2:nrow(deaScamPy_tot),]
 deaScamPy_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaScamPy_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaScamPy_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultScamPy <- roc(deaScamPy_tot$value, 1 - deaScamPy_tot$pval)

# Plot the ROC curve

Summary ROC for all methods

ThreeClusters_even <- ggroc(list(COTAN=roc_resultCOTAN, Seurat=roc_resultSeurat,
                 Seurat_scTr = roc_resultSeurat_scTr, Seurat_Bimod = roc_resultSeurat_Bimod,
                 Monocle=roc_resultMonocle, ScamPy=roc_resultScamPy))

ThreeClusters_evenPL <- ThreeClusters_even + xlab("FPR") + ylab("TPR")


True vector

subset.datasets_csv <-datasets_csv[datasets_csv$Group == "3_Clusters_uneven", ]

ground_truth_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  clusters <- str_split(subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind], pattern = "_[+]_", simplify = T)
  reads.LM.subset <- readsLogMeansPerCluster[, clusters]
  ground_truth <- = nrow(reads.LM.subset),
                                       ncol = ncol(reads.LM.subset)))
  rownames(ground_truth) <- rownames(reads.LM.subset)
  colnames(ground_truth) <- colnames(reads.LM.subset)

  for (col in 1:ncol(ground_truth)) {
    # log fold change
    ground_truth[, col] <- reads.LM.subset[, col] - rowMeans(reads.LM.subset[, -col, drop = FALSE])
    ground_truth[, col] <- ground_truth[, col] > thresholdLFC & reads.LM.subset[, col] > thresholdLFM

  ground_truth$genes <- rownames(ground_truth)
  ground_truth <- pivot_longer(ground_truth,
                               cols = 1:(ncol(ground_truth)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  ground_truth$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind, 1]
  ground_truth$set_number <- ind 
  ground_truth_tot <- rbind(ground_truth_tot, ground_truth)
ground_truth_tot <- ground_truth_tot[2:nrow(ground_truth_tot),]

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  genes clusters  value data_set          set_number
  <chr> <chr>     <lgl> <chr>                  <int>
1 Neil2 E15.0-428 FALSE 3_Clusters_uneven          1
2 Neil2 E13.5-434 FALSE 3_Clusters_uneven          1
3 Neil2 E15.0-510 FALSE 3_Clusters_uneven          1
4 Lamc1 E15.0-428 FALSE 3_Clusters_uneven          1
5 Lamc1 E13.5-434 FALSE 3_Clusters_uneven          1
6 Lamc1 E15.0-510 FALSE 3_Clusters_uneven          1
[1] 14695
[1] 3293


onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  deaCOTAN <- getClusterizationData(dataset,clName = "mergedClusters")[[2]]
  pvalCOTAN <- pValueFromDEA(deaCOTAN,
              numCells = getNumCells(dataset),method = "none")
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
                  str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1])
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
  colnames(deaCOTAN) <- cl.names
  colnames(pvalCOTAN) <- cl.names
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pvalCOTAN

    for (cl in cl.names) {
    #temp.DEA.CotanSign <- deaCOTAN[rownames(pvalCOTAN[pvalCOTAN[,cl] < 0.05,]) ,]
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl] <-  1 #onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl]+1
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$genes <- rownames(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan) 
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pivot_longer(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan,
                                            values_to = "p_values",
                               cols = 1:(ncol(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$set_number <- ind 
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- rbind(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot, onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)
[1] "E15.0-510"
[1] "E13.5-434"
[1] "E15.0-428"
[1] "E15.0-432"
[1] "E13.5-432"
[1] "E13.5-187"
[1] "E15.0-509"
[1] "E15.0-508"
[1] "E13.5-184"
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[2:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),]

onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <-,
                                                ground_truth_tot,by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),all.x = T,all.y = F)

#onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[order(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values,
 #                                                                decreasing = F),]
# df <- = nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),ncol = 3)) 
# colnames(df) <- c("TPR","FPR","Method")
# df$Method <- "COTAN"
# Positive <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value) 
# Negative <- sum(!onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)
# for (i in 1:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot)) {
#   df[i,"TPR"] <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"])/Positive
#   df[i,"FPR"] <- (i-sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"]))/Negative
# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value <- as.numeric(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultCOTAN <- roc(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value, 1 - onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat scTransform

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_ScTransform_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_scTr <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat Bimod

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_Bimod_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_Bimod <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Monocle

deaMonocle_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaMonocle <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Monocle_DEA_genes.csv")),row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaMonocle[deaMonocle$cell_group == cl.val,"cell_group"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "cell_group",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "gene_id",
                                     replacement = "genes")
  deaMonocle$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaMonocle$set_number <- ind 
  deaMonocle <-
  deaMonocle_tot <- rbind(deaMonocle_tot, deaMonocle)
 deaMonocle_tot <-  deaMonocle_tot[2:nrow(deaMonocle_tot),]
 deaMonocle_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaMonocle_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaMonocle_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultMonocle <- roc(deaMonocle_tot$value, 1 - deaMonocle_tot$marker_test_p_value)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC from ScamPy

deaScamPy_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaScamPy <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"ScamPy_DEA_genes.csv")),
                        row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaScamPy[deaScamPy$clusters == paste0("cl",cl.val),"clusters"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)

  deaScamPy$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaScamPy$set_number <- ind 
  deaScamPy_tot <- rbind(deaScamPy_tot, deaScamPy)
 deaScamPy_tot <-  deaScamPy_tot[2:nrow(deaScamPy_tot),]
 deaScamPy_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaScamPy_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaScamPy_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultScamPy <- roc(deaScamPy_tot$value, 1 - deaScamPy_tot$pval)

# Plot the ROC curve

Summary ROC for all methods

ThreeClusters_uneven <- ggroc(list(COTAN=roc_resultCOTAN, Seurat=roc_resultSeurat,
                 Seurat_scTr = roc_resultSeurat_scTr, Seurat_Bimod = roc_resultSeurat_Bimod,
                 Monocle=roc_resultMonocle, ScamPy=roc_resultScamPy))

ThreeClusters_unevenPL <- ThreeClusters_uneven + xlab("FPR") + ylab("TPR")

5 clusters


True vector

subset.datasets_csv <-datasets_csv[datasets_csv$Group == "5_Clusters_uneven", ]

ground_truth_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  clusters <- str_split(subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind], pattern = "_[+]_", simplify = T)
  reads.LM.subset <- readsLogMeansPerCluster[, clusters]
  ground_truth <- = nrow(reads.LM.subset),
                                       ncol = ncol(reads.LM.subset)))
  rownames(ground_truth) <- rownames(reads.LM.subset)
  colnames(ground_truth) <- colnames(reads.LM.subset)

  for (col in 1:ncol(ground_truth)) {
    # log fold change
    ground_truth[, col] <- reads.LM.subset[, col] - rowMeans(reads.LM.subset[, -col, drop = FALSE])
    ground_truth[, col] <- ground_truth[, col] > thresholdLFC & reads.LM.subset[, col] > thresholdLFM

  ground_truth$genes <- rownames(ground_truth)
  ground_truth <- pivot_longer(ground_truth,
                               cols = 1:(ncol(ground_truth)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  ground_truth$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind, 1]
  ground_truth$set_number <- ind 
  ground_truth_tot <- rbind(ground_truth_tot, ground_truth)
ground_truth_tot <- ground_truth_tot[2:nrow(ground_truth_tot),]

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  genes clusters  value data_set          set_number
  <chr> <chr>     <lgl> <chr>                  <int>
1 Neil2 E13.5-510 FALSE 5_Clusters_uneven          1
2 Neil2 E15.0-437 FALSE 5_Clusters_uneven          1
3 Neil2 E15.0-510 FALSE 5_Clusters_uneven          1
4 Neil2 E13.5-432 FALSE 5_Clusters_uneven          1
5 Neil2 E13.5-437 FALSE 5_Clusters_uneven          1
6 Lamc1 E13.5-510 FALSE 5_Clusters_uneven          1
[1] 14695
[1] 3653


onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  deaCOTAN <- getClusterizationData(dataset,clName = "mergedClusters")[[2]]
  pvalCOTAN <- pValueFromDEA(deaCOTAN,
              numCells = getNumCells(dataset),method = "none")
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
                  str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1])
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
  colnames(deaCOTAN) <- cl.names
  colnames(pvalCOTAN) <- cl.names
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pvalCOTAN

    for (cl in cl.names) {
    #temp.DEA.CotanSign <- deaCOTAN[rownames(pvalCOTAN[pvalCOTAN[,cl] < 0.05,]) ,]
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl] <-  1 #onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan[rownames(deaCOTAN[deaCOTAN[,cl] < 0,]),cl]+1
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$genes <- rownames(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan) 
    onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan <- pivot_longer(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan,
                                            values_to = "p_values",
                               cols = 1:(ncol(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)-1),
                               names_to = "clusters")
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan$set_number <- ind 
  onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- rbind(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot, onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan)
[1] "E13.5-432"
[1] "E15.0-510"
[1] "E13.5-437"
[1] "E15.0-437"
[1] "E13.5-510"
[1] "E13.5-434"
[1] "E15.0-428"
[1] "E13.5-184"
[1] "E15.0-434"
[1] "E17.5-505"
[1] "E15.0-432"
[1] "E13.5-432"
[1] "E15.0-509"
[1] "E15.0-508"
[1] "E13.5-187"
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[2:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),]

onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <-,
                                                ground_truth_tot,by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),all.x = T,all.y = F)

#onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot <- onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[order(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values,
 #                                                                decreasing = F),]
# df <- = nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot),ncol = 3)) 
# colnames(df) <- c("TPR","FPR","Method")
# df$Method <- "COTAN"
# Positive <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value) 
# Negative <- sum(!onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)
# for (i in 1:nrow(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot)) {
#   df[i,"TPR"] <- sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"])/Positive
#   df[i,"FPR"] <- (i-sum(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot[1:i,"value"]))/Negative
# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value <- as.numeric(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultCOTAN <- roc(onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$value, 1 - onlyPositive.pVal.Cotan_tot$p_values)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat scTransform

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_ScTransform_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_scTr <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Seurat Bimod

deaSeurat_tot <- NA

for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaSeurat <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Seurat_DEA_Bimod_genes.csv")), row.names = 1)
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaSeurat[deaSeurat$cluster == cl.val,]$cluster <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "cluster",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaSeurat) <- str_replace(colnames(deaSeurat),
                                     pattern = "gene",
                                     replacement = "genes") 
  deaSeurat$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaSeurat$set_number <- ind 
  deaSeurat_tot <- rbind(deaSeurat_tot, deaSeurat)
 deaSeurat_tot <-  deaSeurat_tot[2:nrow(deaSeurat_tot),]
 deaSeurat_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaSeurat_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaSeurat_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultSeurat_Bimod <- roc(deaSeurat_tot$value, 1 - deaSeurat_tot$p_val)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC for Monocle

deaMonocle_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))
  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaMonocle <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"Monocle_DEA_genes.csv")),row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaMonocle[deaMonocle$cell_group == cl.val,"cell_group"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "cell_group",
                                     replacement = "clusters") 
  colnames(deaMonocle) <- str_replace(colnames(deaMonocle),
                                     pattern = "gene_id",
                                     replacement = "genes")
  deaMonocle$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaMonocle$set_number <- ind 
  deaMonocle <-
  deaMonocle_tot <- rbind(deaMonocle_tot, deaMonocle)
 deaMonocle_tot <-  deaMonocle_tot[2:nrow(deaMonocle_tot),]
 deaMonocle_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaMonocle_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaMonocle_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultMonocle <- roc(deaMonocle_tot$value, 1 - deaMonocle_tot$marker_test_p_value)

# Plot the ROC curve

ROC from ScamPy

deaScamPy_tot <- NA
for (ind in 1:dim(subset.datasets_csv)[1]) {
  file.code <- paste0(subset.datasets_csv$Group[ind],"_",subset.datasets_csv$Collection[ind])
  dataset <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataSetDir,paste0(file.code,".RDS")))

  clusterization <- getClusterizationData(dataset, clName = "mergedClusters")[[1]]
  deaScamPy <- read.csv(file.path(dirOut,paste0(file.code,"ScamPy_DEA_genes.csv")),
                        row.names = 1) 
  cl.names <- NA
  for (cl.val in  unique(clusterization)) {
    #print(cl.val) <- str_split(names(clusterization[clusterization == cl.val])[1],
                            pattern = "_",simplify = T)[1]
    cl.names <- c(cl.names,
    cl.names <- cl.names[!]
    deaScamPy[deaScamPy$clusters == paste0("cl",cl.val),"clusters"] <-   
  clusters <- str_split(datasets_csv$Collection[ind],pattern = "_[+]_",simplify = T)

  deaScamPy$data_set <- subset.datasets_csv[ind,1]
  deaScamPy$set_number <- ind 
  deaScamPy_tot <- rbind(deaScamPy_tot, deaScamPy)
 deaScamPy_tot <-  deaScamPy_tot[2:nrow(deaScamPy_tot),]
 deaScamPy_tot <-,
                                   by = c("genes","clusters","data_set","set_number"),
                                   all.x = T,all.y = F)

# Convert TRUE/FALSE to 1/0
deaScamPy_tot$value <- as.numeric(deaScamPy_tot$value)

# Compute the ROC curve - note that we invert the p-values with 1 - p_values
roc_resultScamPy <- roc(deaScamPy_tot$value, 1 - deaScamPy_tot$pval)

# Plot the ROC curve

Summary ROC for all methods

FiveClusters_uneven <- ggroc(list(COTAN=roc_resultCOTAN, Seurat=roc_resultSeurat,
                 Seurat_scTr = roc_resultSeurat_scTr, Seurat_Bimod = roc_resultSeurat_Bimod,
                 Monocle=roc_resultMonocle, ScamPy=roc_resultScamPy))

FiveClusters_unevenPL <- FiveClusters_uneven + xlab("FPR") + ylab("TPR")

Global Summary

2 Clusters

ggarrange(TwoClusters_even_nearPL,TwoClusters_even_mediumPL, TwoClusters_even_farPL,TwoClusters_uneven_nearPL, TwoClusters_uneven_mediumPL,TwoClusters_uneven_farPL,
          labels = c("Even_Near", "Even_Medium", "Even_Far", "Uneven_Near","Uneven_Medium","Uneven_Far"),
          ncol = 3, nrow = 2, common.legend = T, legend = "bottom")

3 and 5 Clusters

ggarrange(ThreeClusters_evenPL,ThreeClusters_unevenPL, NULL, FiveClusters_unevenPL,
          labels = c("3_Even", "3_Uneven", "", "5_Uneven"),
          ncol = 2, nrow = 2, common.legend = T, legend = "bottom")