Find uniform given cluster in Forebrain Dorsal E15.0


options(parallelly.fork.enable = TRUE)

outDir <- "./e15.0_FD_CheckClustersUniformity"

setLoggingFile(file.path(outDir, "FindUniformGivenClustersInForebrainDorsal_E150.log"))

Relevant genes lists

genesList <- list(
  "NPGs"   = c("Nes", "Vim", "Sox2", "Sox1", "Notch1", "Hes1", "Hes5", "Pax6"),
  "PNGs"   = c("Map2", "Tubb3", "Neurod1", "Nefm", "Nefl", "Dcx", "Tbr1"),
  "hk"     = c("Calm1", "Cox6b1", "Ppia", "Rpl18", "Cox7c", "Erh", "H3f3a",
               "Taf1", "Taf2", "Gapdh", "Actb", "Golph3", "Zfr", "Sub1",
               "Tars", "Amacr"),
  "layers" = c("Reln", "Lhx5", "Cux1", "Satb2", "Tle1", "Mef2c", "Rorb",
               "Sox5", "Bcl11b", "Fezf2", "Foxp2")

This is a version of the function checkClusterUniformity() adapted to be used in this markdown document

clusterIsUniform <- function(objCOTAN, cluster, cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4) {

  cores <- 14L
  cellsToDrop <- getCells(objCOTAN)[!getCells(objCOTAN) %in% cells]

  objCOTAN <- dropGenesCells(objCOTAN, cells = cellsToDrop)

  objCOTAN <- proceedToCoex(objCOTAN, cores = cores, saveObj = FALSE)

  GDIData <- calculateGDI(objCOTAN)

  gdi <- GDIData[["GDI"]]
  names(gdi) <- rownames(GDIData)
  gdi <- sort(gdi, decreasing = TRUE)
  # Plot GDI
  genesToRemark = list("Top 10 GDI genes" = names(gdi)[1L:5L])
  genesToRemark <- append(genesToRemark, genesList)
  plot <- GDIPlot(objCOTAN, GDIIn = GDIData,
                  GDIThreshold = GDIThreshold,
                  genes = genesToRemark,
                  condition = paste0("e15.0 cluster ", cluster))


  # A cluster is deemed uniform if the number of genes
  # with [GDI > GDIThreshold] is not more than 1%
  highGDIRatio <- sum(gdi >= GDIThreshold) / length(gdi)
  lastPercentile <- quantile(gdi, probs = 0.99)
  isUniform <- highGDIRatio <= 0.01

  print(paste0("The cluster '", cluster, "' is ",
               (if(isUniform) {""} else {"not "}), "uniform"))
  print(paste0("The percentage of genes with GDI above ", GDIThreshold, " is: ",
               round(highGDIRatio * 100.0, digits = 2), "%"))
  print(paste0("The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: ",
               round(lastPercentile, digits = 4)))
  return(list("isUniform" = isUniform, "highGDIRatio" = highGDIRatio,
              "lastPercentile" = lastPercentile, "GDIPlot" = plot))
fb150ObjRaw <- readRDS(file = file.path("Data/MouseCortexFromLoom/SourceData/", "e15.0_ForebrainDorsal.cotan.RDS"))

fb150Obj <- readRDS(file = file.path("Data/MouseCortexFromLoom/", "e15.0_ForebrainDorsal.cotan.RDS"))

Align to cleaned cells’ list

metaC <- getMetadataCells(fb150ObjRaw)[getCells(fb150Obj), ]

metaCDrop <- getMetadataCells(fb150ObjRaw)[!getCells(fb150ObjRaw) %in% getCells(fb150Obj), ]

Extract the cells of class ‘Neuron’

metaNeuron <- metaC[metaC[["Class"]] == "Neuron", ]

sort(table(metaNeuron[["Subclass"]]), decreasing = TRUE)

Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic                   Forebrain GABAergic 
                                 3969                                   610 
                        Cajal-Retzius                Mixed region GABAergic 
                                  145                                    21 
                            Undefined               Forebrain glutamatergic 
                                   16                                    15 
                         Hypothalamus            Mixed region glutamatergic 
                                    8                                     5 
    Mixed region and neurotransmitter               Hindbrain glutamatergic 
                                    4                                     2 
                Hindbrain glycinergic            Hypothalamus glutamatergic 
                                    2                                     2 
        Dorsal midbrain glutamatergic                          Mixed region 
                                    1                                     1 
sort(table(metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]]), decreasing = TRUE)

Neur525 Neur511 Neur509 Neur510 Neur508 Neur507 Neur568 Neur504 Neur505 Neur516 
    826     540     402     402     397     183     181     174     147     137 
Neur565 Neur524 Neur679 Neur493 Neur498 Neur497 Neur506 Neur502 Neur494 Neur574 
    133     108     105      93      79      51      46      42      41      41 
Neur575 Neur492 Neur519 Neur526 Neur566 Neur501 Neur573 Neur499 Neur518 Neur560 
     41      38      31      28      28      24      24      23      22      20 
Neur514 Neur523 Neur569 Neur557 Neur495 Neur520 Neur535 Neur542 Neur677 Neur527 
     19      19      18      16      15      15      14      14      14      13 
Neur496 Neur512 Neur676 Neur517 Neur558 Neur503 Neur739 Neur559 Neur564 Neur538 
     11      11      11      10       9       8       8       7       7       6 
Neur549 Neur561 Neur671 Neur695 Neur738 Neur747 Neur500 Neur536 Neur678 Neur534 
      6       6       6       6       6       6       5       5       5       4 
Neur550 Neur570 Neur686 Neur731 Neur737 Neur513 Neur515 Neur528 Neur533 Neur539 
      4       4       4       4       4       3       3       3       3       3 
Neur544 Neur571 Neur674 Neur675 Neur732 Neur531 Neur543 Neur548 Neur552 Neur554 
      3       3       3       3       3       2       2       2       2       2 
Neur562 Neur670 Neur689 Neur740 Neur529 Neur530 Neur532 Neur537 Neur540 Neur553 
      2       2       2       2       1       1       1       1       1       1 
Neur567 Neur572 Neur601 Neur614 Neur634 Neur647 Neur649 Neur672 Neur680 Neur681 
      1       1       1       1       1       1       1       1       1       1 
Neur684 Neur693 Neur696 Neur726 Neur734 Neur749 Neur750 Neur751 Neur760 Neur771 
      1       1       1       1       1       1       1       1       1       1 

Check uniformity of sub-class: Cajal-Retzius

FB_CaRe_Cells <-
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["Subclass"]] == "Cajal-Retzius"]

table(metaNeuron[FB_CaRe_Cells, "ClusterName"])

Neur674 Neur675 Neur676 Neur677 Neur678 Neur679 Neur686 
      3       3      11      14       5     105       4 
c(FB_CaRe_IsUniform, FB_CaRe_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_CaRe_LastPercentile, FB_CaRe_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Cajal-Retzius",
                   cells = FB_CaRe_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Cajal-Retzius' is uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 0.82%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.3896"

Check uniformity of sub-class: Forebrain GABAergic

FB_GABA_Cells <-
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["Subclass"]] == "Forebrain GABAergic"]

table(metaNeuron[FB_GABA_Cells, "ClusterName"])

Neur529 Neur530 Neur531 Neur532 Neur533 Neur534 Neur535 Neur536 Neur537 Neur538 
      1       1       2       1       3       4      14       5       1       6 
Neur539 Neur540 Neur542 Neur543 Neur544 Neur548 Neur549 Neur550 Neur552 Neur553 
      3       1      14       2       3       2       6       4       2       1 
Neur554 Neur558 Neur559 Neur560 Neur561 Neur562 Neur564 Neur565 Neur566 Neur567 
      2       9       7      20       6       2       7     133      28       1 
Neur568 Neur569 Neur570 Neur571 Neur572 Neur573 Neur574 Neur575 Neur747 
    181      18       4       3       1      24      41      41       6 
c(FB_GABA_isUniform, FB_GABA_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_GABA_LastPercentile, FB_GABA_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Forebrain_GABAergic",
                   cells = FB_GABA_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Forebrain_GABAergic' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 12.68%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.6987"

Check uniformity of sub-class: Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic

FB_CHGl_Cells <-
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["Subclass"]] == "Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic"]

table(metaNeuron[FB_CHGl_Cells, "ClusterName"])

Neur492 Neur493 Neur494 Neur495 Neur496 Neur497 Neur498 Neur499 Neur500 Neur501 
     38      93      41      15      11      51      79      23       5      24 
Neur502 Neur503 Neur504 Neur505 Neur506 Neur507 Neur508 Neur509 Neur510 Neur511 
     42       8     174     147      46     183     397     402     402     540 
Neur512 Neur513 Neur514 Neur515 Neur516 Neur517 Neur518 Neur519 Neur520 Neur523 
     11       3      19       3     137      10      22      31      15      19 
Neur524 Neur525 Neur526 Neur527 Neur528 
    108     826      28      13       3 
c(FB_CHGl_IsUniform, FB_CHGl_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_CHGl_LastPercentile, FB_CHGl_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic",
                   cells = FB_CHGl_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 61.17%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 3.0064"

Check uniformity of Cajal-Retzius cluster: Neur679

FB_Neur679_Cells <-
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur679"]

c(FB_Neur679_IsUniform, FB_Neur679_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur679_LastPercentile, FB_Neur679_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur679",
                   cells = FB_Neur679_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur679' is uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 0.24%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.3392"

Check uniformity of Forebrain GABAergic cluster: Neur568

FB_Neur568_Cells <-
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur568"]

c(FB_Neur568_IsUniform, FB_Neur568_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur568_LastPercentile, FB_Neur568_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur568",
                   cells = FB_Neur568_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur568' is uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 0%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.3058"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur525

FB_Neur525_Cells <-
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur525"]

c(FB_Neur525_IsUniform, FB_Neur525_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur525_LastPercentile, FB_Neur525_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur525",
                   cells = FB_Neur525_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur525' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 30.16%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 2.3522"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur508

FB_Neur508_Cells <-
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508"]

c(FB_Neur508_IsUniform, FB_Neur508_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur508_LastPercentile, FB_Neur508_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur508",
                   cells = FB_Neur508_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur508' is uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 0.46%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.3701"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur509

FB_Neur509_Cells <-
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur509"]

c(FB_Neur509_IsUniform, FB_Neur509_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur509_LastPercentile, FB_Neur509_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur509",
                   cells = FB_Neur509_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur509' is uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 0.67%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.3811"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur507

FB_Neur507_Cells <-
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur507"]

c(FB_Neur507_IsUniform, FB_Neur507_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur507_LastPercentile, FB_Neur507_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur507",
                   cells = FB_Neur507_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur507' is uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 0.94%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.3939"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur508 and Neur509

FB_Neur508.Neur509_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508"],
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur509"]

c(FB_Neur508.Neur509_IsUniform, FB_Neur508.Neur509_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur508.Neur509_LastPercentile, FB_Neur508.Neur509_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur508.Neur509",
                   cells = FB_Neur508.Neur509_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur508.Neur509' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 2.63%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.4529"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur508 and Neur507

FB_Neur508.Neur507_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508"],
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur507"]

c(FB_Neur508.Neur507_IsUniform, FB_Neur508.Neur507_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur508.Neur507_LastPercentile, FB_Neur508.Neur507_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur508.Neur507",
                   cells = FB_Neur508.Neur507_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur508.Neur507' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 3.76%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.5202"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur508 and Cajal-Retzius cluster: Neur679

FB_Neur508.Neur679_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508"],
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur679"]

c(FB_Neur508.Neur679_IsUniform, FB_Neur508.Neur679_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur508.Neur679_LastPercentile, FB_Neur508.Neur679_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur508.Neur679",
                   cells = FB_Neur508.Neur679_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur508.Neur679' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 15.95%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 2.1736"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur508 and Forebrain GABAergic cluster: Neur568

FB_Neur508.Neur568_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508"],
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur568"]

c(FB_Neur508.Neur568_IsUniform, FB_Neur508.Neur568_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur508.Neur568_LastPercentile, FB_Neur508.Neur568_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur508.Neur568",
                   cells = FB_Neur508.Neur568_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur508.Neur568' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 21.27%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 2.1539"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur509 and Cajal-Retzius cluster: Neur679

FB_Neur509.Neur679_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur509"],
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur679"]

c(FB_Neur509.Neur679_IsUniform, FB_Neur509.Neur679_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur509.Neur679_LastPercentile, FB_Neur509.Neur679_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur509.Neur679",
                   cells = FB_Neur509.Neur679_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur509.Neur679' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 14.34%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 2.1308"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur507 and Cajal-Retzius cluster: Neur679

FB_Neur507.Neur679_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur507"],
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur679"]

c(FB_Neur507.Neur679_IsUniform, FB_Neur507.Neur679_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur507.Neur679_LastPercentile, FB_Neur507.Neur679_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur507.Neur679",
                   cells = FB_Neur507.Neur679_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur507.Neur679' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 8.6%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.8754"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur508 and 40 cells taken from Cajal-Retzius cluster: Neur679


print(paste0("Cluser Neur508 size: ", sum(metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508")))
[1] "Cluser Neur508 size: 397"
FB_Neur508.s40oNeur679_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508"],
  sample(rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur679"], 40)

c(FB_Neur508.s40oNeur679_IsUniform, FB_Neur508.s40oNeur679_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur508.s40oNeur679_LastPercentile, FB_Neur508.s40oNeur679_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur508.s40oNeur679",
                   cells = FB_Neur508.s40oNeur679_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur508.s40oNeur679' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 6.95%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.8052"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur508 and 20 cells taken from Cajal-Retzius cluster: Neur679


print(paste0("Cluser Neur508 size: ", sum(metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508")))
[1] "Cluser Neur508 size: 397"
FB_Neur508.s20oNeur679_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508"],
  sample(rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur679"], 20)

c(FB_Neur508.s20oNeur679_IsUniform, FB_Neur508.s20oNeur679_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur508.s20oNeur679_LastPercentile, FB_Neur508.s20oNeur679_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur508.s20oNeur679",
                   cells = FB_Neur508.s20oNeur679_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur508.s20oNeur679' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 4.3%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.61"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur508 and 10 cells taken from Cajal-Retzius cluster: Neur679


print(paste0("Cluser Neur508 size: ", sum(metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508")))
[1] "Cluser Neur508 size: 397"
FB_Neur508.s10oNeur679_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508"],
  sample(rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur679"], 10)

c(FB_Neur508.s10oNeur679_IsUniform, FB_Neur508.s10oNeur679_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur508.s10oNeur679_LastPercentile, FB_Neur508.s10oNeur679_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur508.s10oNeur679",
                   cells = FB_Neur508.s10oNeur679_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur508.s10oNeur679' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 1.92%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.4542"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur508 and 40 cells taken from all Neuron - non Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cells


print(paste0("Cluser Neur508 size: ", sum(metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508")))
[1] "Cluser Neur508 size: 397"
FB_Neur508.s40oNonCHGl_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508"],
  sample(rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["Subclass"]] != "Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic"], 40)

c(FB_Neur508.s40oNonCHGl_IsUniform, FB_Neur508.s40oNonCHGl_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur508.s40oNonCHGl_LastPercentile, FB_Neur508.s40oNonCHGl_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur508.s40oNonCHGl",
                   cells = FB_Neur508.s40oNonCHGl_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur508.s40oNonCHGl' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 3.05%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.514"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur508 and 20 cells taken from all Neuron - non Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cells


print(paste0("Cluser Neur508 size: ", sum(metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508")))
[1] "Cluser Neur508 size: 397"
FB_Neur508.s20oNonCHGl_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508"],
  sample(rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["Subclass"]] != "Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic"], 20)

c(FB_Neur508.s20oNonCHGl_IsUniform, FB_Neur508.s20oNonCHGl_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur508.s20oNonCHGl_LastPercentile, FB_Neur508.s20oNonCHGl_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur508.s20oNonCHGl",
                   cells = FB_Neur508.s20oNonCHGl_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur508.s20oNonCHGl' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 1.15%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.4091"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur508 and 10 cells taken from all Neuron - non Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cells


print(paste0("Cluser Neur508 size: ", sum(metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508")))
[1] "Cluser Neur508 size: 397"
FB_Neur508.s10oNonCHGl_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur508"],
  sample(rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["Subclass"]] != "Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic"], 10)

c(FB_Neur508.s10oNonCHGl_IsUniform, FB_Neur508.s10oNonCHGl_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur508.s10oNonCHGl_LastPercentile, FB_Neur508.s10oNonCHGl_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur508.s10oNonCHGl",
                   cells = FB_Neur508.s10oNonCHGl_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur508.s10oNonCHGl' is uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 0.67%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.3853"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur509 and 40 cells taken from Forebrain GABAergic cluster: Neur568


print(paste0("Cluser Neur509 size: ", sum(metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur509")))
[1] "Cluser Neur509 size: 402"
FB_Neur509.s40oNeur568_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur509"],
  sample(rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur568"], 40)

c(FB_Neur509.s40oNeur568_IsUniform, FB_Neur509.s40oNeur568_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur509.s40oNeur568_LastPercentile, FB_Neur509.s40oNeur568_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur509.s40oNeur568",
                   cells = FB_Neur509.s40oNeur568_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur509.s40oNeur568' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 4.59%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.5904"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur509 and 20 cells taken from Forebrain GABAergic cluster: Neur568


print(paste0("Cluser Neur509 size: ", sum(metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur509")))
[1] "Cluser Neur509 size: 402"
FB_Neur509.s20oNeur568_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur509"],
  sample(rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur568"], 20)

c(FB_Neur509.s20oNeur568_IsUniform, FB_Neur509.s20oNeur568_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur509.s20oNeur568_LastPercentile, FB_Neur509.s20oNeur568_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur509.s20oNeur568",
                   cells = FB_Neur509.s20oNeur568_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur509.s20oNeur568' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 2.43%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.4661"

Check uniformity of Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur509 and 10 cells taken from Forebrain GABAergic cluster: Neur568


print(paste0("Cluser Neur509 size: ", sum(metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur509")))
[1] "Cluser Neur509 size: 402"
FB_Neur509.s10oNeur568_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur509"],
  sample(rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur568"], 10)

c(FB_Neur509.s10oNeur568_IsUniform, FB_Neur509.s10oNeur568_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur509.s10oNeur568_LastPercentile, FB_Neur509.s10oNeur568_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur509.s10oNeur568",
                   cells = FB_Neur509.s10oNeur568_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur509.s10oNeur568' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 1.14%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.4103"

Check uniformity of Forebrain GABAergic cluster: Neur568 and 20 cells taken from Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur507


print(paste0("Cluser Neur568 size: ", sum(metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur568")))
[1] "Cluser Neur568 size: 181"
FB_Neur568.s20oNeur507_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur568"],
  sample(rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur507"], 20)

c(FB_Neur568.s20oNeur507_IsUniform, FB_Neur568.s20oNeur507_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur568.s20oNeur507_LastPercentile, FB_Neur568.s20oNeur507_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur568.s20oNeur507",
                   cells = FB_Neur568.s20oNeur507_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur568.s20oNeur507' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 7.46%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.7445"

Check uniformity of Forebrain GABAergic cluster: Neur568 and 10 cells taken from Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur507


print(paste0("Cluser Neur568 size: ", sum(metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur568")))
[1] "Cluser Neur568 size: 181"
FB_Neur568.s10oNeur507_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur568"],
  sample(rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur507"], 10)

c(FB_Neur568.s10oNeur507_IsUniform, FB_Neur568.s10oNeur507_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur568.s10oNeur507_LastPercentile, FB_Neur568.s10oNeur507_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur568.s10oNeur507",
                   cells = FB_Neur568.s10oNeur507_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur568.s10oNeur507' is not uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 1.9%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.4669"

Check uniformity of Forebrain GABAergic cluster: Neur568 and 5 cells taken from Cortical or hippocampal glutamatergic cluster: Neur507


print(paste0("Cluser Neur568 size: ", sum(metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur568")))
[1] "Cluser Neur568 size: 181"
FB_Neur568.s5oNeur507_Cells <- c(
  rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur568"],
  sample(rownames(metaNeuron)[metaNeuron[["ClusterName"]] == "Neur507"], 5)

c(FB_Neur568.s5oNeur507_IsUniform, FB_Neur568.s5oNeur507_HighGDIRatio,
  FB_Neur568.s5oNeur507_LastPercentile, FB_Neur568.s5oNeur507_GDIPlot) %<-%
  clusterIsUniform(fb150Obj, cluster = "Neur568.s5oNeur507",
                   cells = FB_Neur568.s5oNeur507_Cells, GDIThreshold = 1.4)

[1] "The cluster 'Neur568.s5oNeur507' is uniform"
[1] "The percentage of genes with GDI above 1.4 is: 0.48%"
[1] "The last percentile (99%) of the GDI values is: 1.3517"
R version 4.3.0 (2023-04-21)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/ 
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/

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time zone: Europe/Berlin
tzcode source: system (glibc)

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] COTAN_2.1.5   zeallot_0.1.0 tibble_3.2.1  ggplot2_3.4.2

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
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  [4] shape_1.4.6            umap_0.2.10.0          magrittr_2.0.3        
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 [13] spatstat.explore_3.2-1 askpass_1.1            htmltools_0.5.5       
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 [37] colorspace_2.1-0       patchwork_1.1.2        S4Vectors_0.38.0      
 [40] Seurat_4.3.0           tensor_1.5             RSpectra_0.16-1       
 [43] irlba_2.3.5.1          labeling_0.4.2         progressr_0.13.0      
 [46] RcppZiggurat_0.1.6     fansi_1.0.4            spatstat.sparse_3.0-1 
 [49] httr_1.4.5             polyclip_1.10-4        abind_1.4-5           
 [52] compiler_4.3.0         withr_2.5.0            doParallel_1.0.17     
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 [73] gtable_0.3.3           spatstat.data_3.0-1    tidyr_1.3.0           
 [76] data.table_1.14.8      sp_1.6-0               utf8_1.2.3            
 [79] BiocGenerics_0.46.0    spatstat.geom_3.2-1    RcppAnnoy_0.0.20      
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[100] IRanges_2.34.0         scattermore_1.2        stats4_4.3.0          
[103] xfun_0.39              factoextra_1.0.7       matrixStats_1.0.0     
[106] stringi_1.7.12         lazyeval_0.2.2         yaml_2.3.7            
[109] evaluate_0.20          codetools_0.2-19       cli_3.6.1             
[112] RcppParallel_5.1.7     uwot_0.1.14            xtable_1.8-4          
[115] reticulate_1.30        munsell_0.5.0          Rcpp_1.0.10           
[118] globals_0.16.2         spatstat.random_3.1-4  png_0.1-8             
[121] parallel_4.3.0         Rfast_2.0.7            ellipsis_0.3.2        
[124] assertthat_0.2.1       parallelDist_0.2.6     listenv_0.9.0         
[127] ggthemes_4.2.4         viridisLite_0.4.1      scales_1.2.1          
[130] ggridges_0.5.4         SeuratObject_4.1.3     leiden_0.4.3          
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